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那就努力跟上 Well, try and keep up

我就是這個意思 That's exactly what I mean, That's exactly what I meant

正電子 Positron

惠勒 Wheeler

時間逆轉 Reverse chronology

逆轉物質的熵 Invert an object's entropy, Invert the entropy of a substance

時間穿越 Time travel

他沒有直接回答 He didn't answer directly

她沒有直接回答 She didn't answer directly

速度跟他一樣快 As fast as him, Matched him in speed, Matched him speed, Matched him for speed

跟他一樣快 As fast as him, Matched him in speed, Matched him speed, Matched him for speed

速度跟她一樣快 As fast as her, Matched her in speed, Matched her speed, Matched her for speed

跟她一樣快 As fast as her, Matched her in speed, Matched her speed, Matched her for speed

看都沒看就點了一個起司漢堡和一杯汽水 Ordered a cheeseburger and soda without looking

一個起司漢堡 A cheeseburger

有個女侍拿著菜單走來 A waitress came over with menus, The waitress came over with menus

十元又三十分 Ten dollars and thirty cents

因為她過得很好 Because she was doing well

髮廊剪的難看頭髮 Bad barbershop haircut

她決定先吃飯再開始幹活 She decided to eat first and then start work

他決定先吃飯再開始幹活 He decided to eat first and then start work

眼前右手邊 Ahead and to the right, Ahead and on the right

可能要花一小時 It may take an hour

十幾家汽車旅館 A dozen motels

一哩半的路 A mile and a half

往下往回走 Down and back

他站著不動 He stands still, He stands unmoving, He is standing still, He stood still

彌漫著煙塵與汽油味 The smell of dust and gasoline, Smells of dust and gasoline, Smelled of dust and gasoline

感到溫暖 Feel warm, Feels warm, Feeling warm, Felt warm

離日落大道只有一街之遙 One block from Sunset Boulevard

看的時間如果夠久 If looking long enough

在洛杉磯的車陣中 In Los Angeles traffic

洛杉磯的車陣 Los Angeles traffic

車陣 Traffic

兩輛都是敞篷車 Both vehicles are convertibles, Both cars were convertibles

淡藍色 Light blue, Pastel blue

到處都是車 Cars everywhere, Cars are everywhere, Cars were everywhere

他只是安靜地坐在後座 He just sat quietly in the back seat, He just sat quiet in the back

完全不懂拳擊 Know nothing about boxing, Knows nothing about boxing, Knowing nothing about boxing, Knew nothing about boxing

想跟她聊拳擊 Want to talk to her about boxing, Wants to talk to her about boxing, Wanting to talk to her about boxing, Wanted to talk to her about boxing

想跟他聊拳擊 Want to talk to him about boxing, Wants to talk to him about boxing, Wanting to talk to him about boxing, Wanted to talk to him about boxing

聊拳擊 Talk about boxing, Talks about boxing, Talking about boxing, Talked about boxing

她心想 She thought to herself, She thought, She figured

他心想 He thought to himself, He thought, He figured

如果沿著日落大道走 If following Sunset Boulevard, If going along Sunset Boulevard

它位於洛杉磯市精華區東南方 It was located south east of the best part of Los Angeles, It would be to the south and east of the best part of Los Angeles

洛杉磯市精華區 The best of Los Angeles,

精華區 High end district

給人感覺冷冰冰的 Cool feeling, Cool

比他想像中來得大 Bigger than he thought, Bigger than he imagined

敬畏三分 Hold in very high regard, In awe of

不要去 Don't want to go, Doesn't want to go, Didn't want to go

在碼頭 On the dock, At the dock, At the docks

發動引擎 Start the engine, Starts the engine, Started the engine

我睡了兩個小時 I slept for two hours, I had two hours sleep

睡得很好吧 Did you sleep well?, Are you well rested?

一輛生鏽的舊飛雅特旁邊 Next to a rusty old Fiat

近來她也不怎麼游泳了 She doesn't swim much these days, She didn't swim much these days

她還是懷念游泳 She still misses swimming, She still missed swimming

他早就和童年的朋友疏遠了 Had long ago drifted apart form his childhood friends

她早就和童年的朋友疏遠了 Had long ago drifted apart form her childhood friends

走路還有一點跛 Walk with a limp, Walks with a limp, Walking with a limp, Walked with a limp

摔碎了 Broke, Smashed, Shattered

摔碎 Smash, Smashes, Smashed, Shatter, Shatters, Shattered, Break, Breaks, Broke

波爾 Pearl

杰杰 J.J.

可是已經比以前進步多了 It was better than before, It was better than it had been

動作不算優雅 It was not elegant, It was not graceful

速度變慢 Slow down, Slows down, Slowing down, Slowed down

還是會想念他 Still missed him, Missed him

跟她不算很熟 Didn't know her that well, Doesn't know her that well, Had not known her that well

跟他不算很熟 Didn't know him that well, Doesn't know him that well, Had not known him that well

土的力量 Earth power

使用了 Used, Had used

救過他不止一次 Saved him more than once, Had saved him more than once, Had saved his life on more than one occasion

救過她不止一次 Saved her more than once, Had saved her more than once, Had saved her life on more than one occasion

合身 Fit, Fits, Fitted

阿醜 Ugly, Ghastly

訂做 Made to order, Custom made, Bespoke

裁製 Tailored

差不多沒有 Almost none, Almost never, Hardly any, Hardly ever

差不多沒有上過學 Almost never went to school

上過學 Went to school

反正也不是第一次了 Not for the first time

匆匆出了房間 Hurried out of the room

好好玩 Have fun

沒有再犯同樣的錯誤 Didn't make the same mistake twice, Didn't make that mistake again

倒著寫的 Written backwards

校訓 School motto

校徽 School crest, School emblem

去上學 Go to school, Goes to school, Going to school, Went to school

圖紋 Pattern

跨了出來 Stepped out

他會想要參一腳 He will want to join, He will want to get involved, He would want to join, He would want to get involved

她會想辦法阻止他 She would find some way to stop him, She would try and stop him

他會想辦法阻止她 He would find some way to stop her, He would try and stop her

要是讓她知道真相 If she knew the truth

要是讓他知道真相 If he knew the truth

可是他沒跟她說 But he didn't tell her

可是她沒跟他說 But she didn't tell him

過世的弟弟 Deceased brother, Late brother

他的祖父 His grandfather

不止一次 More than once, Not for the first time

她走出門口 She walks out the door, She walked out the door

他走出門口 He walks out the door, He walked out the door

道別 Say goodbye

點頭道別 Nod goodbye, Nods goodbye, Nodding goodbye, Nodded goodbye

父女倆對看了一眼 Father and daughter looked at each other

洗碗機 Dishwasher

也不過跟加法一樣 It's just like adding

高估 Overestimate, Overrate

假裝熱切 Mock enthusiasm, Pretend to be enthusiastic, Pretends to be enthusiastic, Pretending to be enthusiastic, Pretended to be enthusiastic

熱切 Enthusiasm, Enthusiastic

假裝文明 Pretend to be civilized

套句她的說法 To paraphrase her

套句他的說法 To paraphrase him

工作靴 Work boots

建築公司 Construction company

他不喜歡打領帶 He doesn't like to wear a tie, He doesn't like wearing ties

把衣領從領帶圈裡拉出來 Pull the collar out from the loop of the tie, Pulling the collar out from the loop of the tie, Pulled the collar out from the loop of the tie

扣好鈕釦 Button up, Buttons up, Buttoning up, Buttoned up, Button it, Buttons it, Buttoning it, Buttoned it

把襯衫拿下來 Take the shirt down, Takes the shirt down, Took the shirt down

她兩手搓了搓 She rubbed his hands, She rubbed her hands together

他兩手搓了搓 He rubbed his hands, He rubbed his hands together

掛在吊大衣的鉤子上 Hang on a coat hook, Hangs on a coat hook, Hanging on a coat hook, Hanging on the coat hook, Hung on a coat hook

件乾淨筆挺的白襯衫 A clean, white ironed shirt, A clean crisp white shirt

筆挺 Well-ironed, Crisp

掛在門後 Hanging behind the door, Behind the door

我找不到乾淨的襯衫 I can't find a clean shirt

我就是為這個過來的 That's why I came here

你忘了穿襯衫 You forgot to put on a shirt, You forgot your shirt

抬頭看她 Look up at her, Looks up at her, Looking up at her, Looked up at her

抬頭看他 Look up at him, Looks up at him, Looking up at him, Looked up at him

差點就被穀片嗆死 Almost choked on his cereal, Almost choked on her cereal, Almost choked on my cereal, Almost choked on the cereal

被穀片嗆死 Choked on her cereal, Choked on his cereal, Choked on my cereal, Choked on the cereal

嗆死 Choke to death, Chokes to death, Choking to death, Chocked to death, Choke, Chokes, Choking, Choked

可是妳也會去啊 But you'll go too!, But you'll be there!

一定會很棒 It'll be wonderful, It'll be great

家族聚餐 Family dinner

明晚 Tomorrow night

梅麗莎 Melissa

在我喝下第一杯咖啡以前 Before my first cup of coffee, Before I've had my first cup of coffee

我不想看到你 I don't want to see you, I don't like seeing you

我不想看到妳 I don't want to see you, I don't like seeing you

還不到八點欸 It's not even eight o'clock

還不到八點 It's not even eight o'clock, It's not yet eight o'clock

你來幹嘛 Why are you here?, What are you doing here?

妳來幹嘛 Why are you here?, What are you doing here?

戴斯蒙 Desmond

完全沒掩飾住 Completely fail to hide, Completely fails to hide, Completely failing to hide, Completely failed to hide

心裡的沮喪 Depression, Disappointment, Dismay

掩飾住 Cover up, Hide

弟妹 Sister in law

打著領帶 Wearing a tie

汗衫 Undershirt, Singlet, Vest

走了進來 Walked in, Came in

他們是很討厭的人 They are hateful people, They are loathsome people, They were nasty people, They were dislikable people

繼承了 Inherited

他嬸嬸 His aunt

她嬸嬸 Her aunt

一句也不信 Don't believe a word, Doesn't believe a word, Didn't believe a word

工作倫理 Work ethic, Work ethics

灌輸了 Instilled, Inculcated, Imparted

我兩個女兒 My two daughters, My two girls

你有沒有用功啊 Are your working hard?, Are you studying hard?

妳有沒有用功啊 Are your working hard?, Are you studying hard?

連坐都不坐 Didn't sit down

加了牛奶 Added milk

倒了一些穀片到碗裡 Pouring cereal into a bowl, Poured cereal into a bowl

佛格斯 Fergus

穀片 Cereal, Granola

學校怎麼樣 How's school?

一本正經地說 Seriously, Said seriously

碗櫥 Cupboard

蓓柔 Beryl

五官 Facial features

聲音尖銳 Shrill, Sharp voiced

鎮靜 Sedate, Subdued, Level-headed, Self-collected, Poised, Imperturbable, Equanimous, Dispassionate

盤腿坐 Sit cross-legged, Sits cross-legged, Sitting cross-legged, Sat cross-legged

卵石 Pebble

鵝卵石 Pebble

撲了過去 Rushed over

朝她點頭 Nod at her, Nods at her, Nodding at her, Nodded at her

朝他點頭 Nod at him, Nods at him, Nodding at him, Nodded at him

幾個鬆弛肩膀的動作 A few exercises to relax the shoulder, A few shoulder loosening exercises

他的胳臂很壯 His arms are strong, His arms were strong

她的胳臂很壯 Her arms are strong, Her arms were strong

無袖 Sleeveless

門都不會開 The door would not open, The door wouldn't open

開不了門 The door wouldn't open

走到房門前 Go to the door, Goes to the door, Went to the door

慌了 Panicked

妳就逃不出我的手掌心了 You can't escape my grasp

你就逃不出我的手掌心了 You can't escape my grasp

密閉的空間 Confined space

我並沒有抓住你的指望 I had no hope of catching you

在露天的地方 In the open air

正爬進窗子裡 Climbing through the window

房子的側牆 Side of the house, Side of the building

她移向窗戶 She moved to the window

他移向窗戶 He moved to the window

一個小機器 A small device

響亮多了 Much louder

他騙了她 He lied to her, He tricked her, He had lied to her, He had tricked her

她騙了他 She lied to him, She tricked him, She had lied to him, She had tricked him

是陷阱 It is a trap, It was a trap

不夠暖 Not warm enough

天氣又不夠暖 The weather isn't warm enough, The weather wasn't warm enough

那窗戶為什麼要打開 Why was the window open, Why had the window been open

嬰兒房 Nursery, Baby's room

一點裝潢都沒有 Undecorated, Unfurnished

撲向搖籃 Rush toward the crib, Rushed toward the crib, Rushing toward the crib, Rushed toward the crib

飛進了窗戶 Flew through the window

一側 One side

她從街道的一側跳到另一側 She jumped from one side of the street to the other, She leaped from one side of the street to the other

他從街道的一側跳到另一側 He jumped from one side of the street to the other, He leaped from one side of the street to the other

她暗想 She thought to herself, She thought

他暗想 He thought to himself, He thought

太慢了 Too slow, Not fast enough

正全力衝刺 Sprinting at full speed, Sprinting

衝力 Impulse, Momentum

動量 Momentum

在比路面高的地方 At a place high above street level, High above street level

一扇開著的窗戶 An open window

瞄準了 Aimed, Zeroed in on

哭了一聲 Cry, A cry, Cry aloud, Cry out, Cried out

攔下她 Stop her, Intercept her

攔下他 Stop him, Intercept him

跑完了一整棟樓 Ran the length of the building

強健有力 Strong and powerful, Strong, Powerful

哭聲 Cry, Cries, Crying sound, Sound of crying

最繁華的地區 Busiest area, Busiest areas

立刻改變方向 Immediately change direction, Immediately changed direction

傳了出來 Sent out, Transmitted

嬰兒的哭聲 The cry of a baby, A baby's cry, The baby's cry

她的微笑 Her smile

他的微笑 His smile

她的面孔扭曲 Her face twisted

他的面孔扭曲 His face twisted

閉著眼睛 Eyes closed

她就算閉著眼睛也不會迷路 Could find her way even with her eyes closed

他就算閉著眼睛也不會迷路 Could find his way even with his eyes closed

君王 King, Lord, Monarch, Emperor

倫敦市 London city, London

最拿手的事 Does best

一步也沒落空 Not missing a step, Without missing a step

衝過來迎接他 Rush to meet him, Rushed to meet him

看誰快 Let's see who's faster, Race you

奸笑 Sinister smile, Leer

想都別想 Don't even think about it

變軟了 Softened, Became soft

是嬰兒在哭的聲音 It is the sound of a baby crying, It was the sound of a baby crying

說得好聽一點 Fancy way of saying, Nice way of saying

圍欄 Fence, Fenced area, Enclosure

你應該要保護我才對 You should protect me, You should be protecting me

妳應該要保護我才對 You should protect me, You should be protecting me

保育的物種名單 Protected species list, Endangered species list

我是 I am, Me

我是獨一無二的 I'm unique, I'm one of a kind

恨恨地說 Said bitterly

惹我 Mess with me

慢慢清楚了 Slowly clearing

她的手腕被抓住 Her wrist was grabbed

他的手腕被抓住 His wrist was grabbed

痛得她大叫 She screamed in pain

痛得他大叫 He screamed in pain

他踢她的膝蓋 He kicked her knee

她踢他的膝蓋 She kicked his knee

退了幾步 Take a few steps back, Takes a few steps back, Taking a few steps back, Took a few steps back

幾步 A few steps

狠狠地打在她臉上 Hit her face hard, Hits her face hard, Hitting her hard in the face

狠狠地打在他臉上 Hit his face hard, Hits his face hard, Hitting him hard in the face

他的拳頭已經等在那裡 His fist was already there

她的拳頭已經等在那裡 Her fist was waiting right there

落在地上 Fall to the floor, Falls to the floor, Fell to the floor, Drop to the floor, Drops to the floor, Dropped to the floor, Land, Lands, Landed

長劍 Long sword, Sword

他的長劍脫手 His sword fell from his hand

她的長劍脫手 Her sword fell from her hand

蹲在地上 Crouch, Crouches, Crouching, Crouched, Squat, Squats, Squatting, Squatted

優雅地落地 Landing gracefully, Landed gracefully

跳了下來 Jumped down, Jumped

說時遲那時快 Quickly, Suddenly, Before it was too late

壓住了他的一邊肩膀 Press his shoulder, Presses one of his shoulders, Pressing one of his shoulders, Pressed one of his shoulders

壓住了她的一邊肩膀 Press her shoulder, Presses one of her shoulders, Pressing one of her shoulders, Pressed one of her shoulders

插進他的肉裡 Piercing his flesh, Pierced his flesh

插進她的肉裡 Piercing her flesh, Pierced her flesh

把劍擋到一邊 Block the sword to one side, Blocks the sword to one side, Blocked the sword to one side

擋到一邊 Block to one side, Blocks to one side, Blocked to one side

她一落地 As she landed, As soon as she landed

他一落地 As he landed, As soon as he landed

躲過了他的長指甲 Dodged his long nails

面無表情地看著她 Looking at her expressionlessly, Stared at her blankly

面無表情地看著他 Looking at him without expression, Looked at him blankly

映出天上的月 Reflected the moon, Reflected moonlight

劍身 Sword blade, Blade

把他推開 Push him away, Pushes him away, Pushing him away, Pushed him away

把她推開 Push her away, Pushes her away, Pushing her away, Pushed her away

小腹 Belly

撞在一起 Crash together, Crashed together

翻翻滾滾 Tumbling, Tumbled

揪住她的手腕 Grabbed her wrist

揪住他的手腕 Grab his wrist, Grabs his wrist, Grabbed his wrist

以跪姿壓住了 Kneel and press down on, Kneeling and pressing down on, Kneeling on

他的一邊肩膀 One of his shoulders, His shoulder

她的一邊肩膀 One of her shoulders, Her shoulder

向上爬 Climb up, Climbs up, Climbing up, Climbed up, Clamber up, Clambers up, Clambering up, Clambered up

腳趾甲 Toenails, Toenail

趕緊轉過去面對她 Quickly turn to face her, Quickly turning to face her, Quickly turned to face her

趕緊轉過去面對他 Quickly turn to face him, Quickly turning to face him, Quickly turned to face him

險險 Narrowly avoid, Narrowly avoids, Narrowly avoiding, Narrowly avoided

我讓你自己決定 I'll let you decide

面無表情 Expressionless, Without expression, Blankly

映出 Reflected

嘻嘻笑 Grinned, Laughed, Smiled

只要你覺得自己夠厲害 If you think you're good enough

有膽子就試試看 Try if you dare, Come on if you think you've got the guts, Come and have a go

在情況變得棘手以前 Before things got rough

妳以前不是喜歡說一句話 What was it you used to say?

他頭一低 He lowered his head, He dropped his head

自首吧 Surrender yourself, Give yourself in, Give up

你從來也沒有逮捕過什麼人 You never arrested anyone

妳從來也沒有逮捕過什麼人 You never arrested anyone

愛多管閒事 Nosy, Meddlesome

這倒新鮮了 This is fresh, This is new

對著他 Facing him, Towards him, At him

對著她 Facing her, Towards her, At her

妳被捕了 You are under arrest

你被捕了 You are under arrest

他拉開大衣 He opened his coat, He opened the coat

她拉開大衣 She opened her coat, She opened the coat

謀殺還是犯法的 Murder is still illegal, Murder is still a crime

除了謀殺罪以外 Apart from murder, Other than murder

謀殺罪 The crime of murder, Murder

我是犯了哪條罪 What crime did I commit?

被關起來 Locked up, Held in captivity, In captivity

笑了出來 Laughed out loud, Laughed

妳屬於監獄 You belong in jail, You belong in prison

你屬於監獄 You belong in jail, You belong in prison

我屬於這裡 I belong here

彈簧腳傑克 Spring-Heeled Jack

我是夜晚的生物 I am a creature of the night

退休村 Retirement village

老人之家 Old people's home, Old folks home, Home for the elderly

那我要去哪裡 Then where do I go?

你不應該回來的 You shouldn't have come back, You shouldn't have returned

妳不應該回來的 You shouldn't have come back, You shouldn't have returned

情況已經變了 Things have changed

不再是妳的地盤了 It's no longer your neck of the woods

不再是你的地盤了 It's no longer your neck of the woods

是什麼風把你吹到我的地盤上來 What brings you to my neck of the woods

是什麼風把妳吹到我的地盤上來 What brings you to my neck of the woods

我的地盤 My neck of the woods

噁心死了 Disgusting, Revolting

他跟朋友最大的不同是他知道這輩子要做什麼 The biggest difference between him and his friends was that he knew what she wanted to do with his life

她跟朋友最大的不同是她知道這輩子要做什麼 The biggest difference between her and her friends was that she knew what she wanted to do with her life

當偵探 Be a detective, To be a detective, Being a detective, Do work as a detective

他就會知道該怎麼回答了 He'll know how he should answer, He knew how he would have answered, He knew what he would have said

她就會知道該怎麼回答了 She'll know how to answer, She knew how she would have answered

什麼職業會比魔法更吸引他 What kind of career could interest him more than magic?

什麼職業會比魔法更吸引她 What kind of career could interest her more than magic?

什麼職業 What career, What occupation, What kind of career, What kind of occupation

這輩子都不愁吃穿了 Would never be short of money, Would never have to worry about food or clothing

當然不會有人知道 Of course now one had any idea, Of course nobody had any idea

上大學想念哪個科系 Want to study what subject at university, Wants to study what subject at university, Wanted to study what subject at university

迷死人了 Awesome, Amazing, Ravishing

東倫敦 East London

帥氣 Handsome

她的嘴唇分開 Her lips parted

他的嘴唇分開 His lips parted

好多年都沒看到過這麼漂亮的一張臉了 Had not seen such a beautiful face in many years

那張臉還真漂亮 It was such a pretty face, It was such a beautiful face

亂糟糟的金髮 Messy blonde hair, Toussled blonde hair

亂糟糟 Messy, Toussled

長大衣 Long coat

看見一名年輕的女人朝他走過來 Saw a young woman walking towards him

她一個轉身 She turned

他一個轉身 He turned

像是在瀏覽菜單 As if browsing a menu

眼珠轉來轉去 Eyes moving from place to place, Eyes moving

他龜裂的嘴唇抿了起來 His cracked lips pursed

龜裂的嘴唇 Cracked lips, Chapped lip

查令十字路 Charing Cross road

彎了起來 Bent, Curled

靠一隻腿站立 Stand on one leg, Stands on one leg, Standing on one leg, Stood on one leg

跳到一家屋頂邊緣 Jump to the edge of the roof, Jumped to the edge of the roof, Jumped to the edge of a roof

又長又硬 Long and hard, Long and hardened

手指頭很長很長 Long fingered

又破又舊又長霉 Torn, old and musty

長霉 Mildew, Mold, Mildewed, moldy, Musty

不會掉下去 Did not fall, Will not fall

不管他做出哪一種體操動作 No matter what kind of gymnastic movement he did, No matter what gymnastic feat he performed

一頂破爛的高禮帽 A battered top hat

高禮帽 Top hat

畸形的頭 Misshaped head, Misshapen head

她穿了一身黑 She wore black, She was dressed in black

他穿了一身黑 He wore black, He was dressed in black

她穿了 She wore, She was wearing

他穿了 He wore, He was wearing

夜風一吹就吹散了 Dissipated by the night breeze

吹散了 Blown away

像喃喃低語 Like a murmur, Like a whisper

喃喃低語 Murmur, Whisper

她沒穿鞋 She wasn't wearing shoes

他沒穿鞋 He wasn't wearing shoes

穿鞋 Wear shoes, Wears shoes, Wearing shoes, Wore shoes

從一家屋頂飛到另一家屋頂 Flying from one rooftop to another, Flying from rooftop to rooftop, Moving from rooftop to rooftop

驚魂 Terror

一個固定的工作 A regular job

固定的工作 Regular work, A stable job

老師叫大家說出畢業以後要做什麼 The teacher asked everyone to say what they wanted to do after graduating, The teacher had asked everyone to declare what they wanted to do when they finished school

呼呼大睡了 Fell asleep

二十秒鐘 Twenty seconds

爬上了床 Climbed into bed

球衣 Football jersey

足球隊 Football team, Soccer team

換掉衣服 Change clothes, Changes clothes, Changing clothes, Changed clothes

已經在做了 Already doing it, Is already doing it, Am already doing it, Are already doing it, Was already doing it, Were already doing it

她知道這輩子要做什麼 She knows what she wants to do with her life, She knew what she wanted to do with her life

最大的不同是 The biggest difference is, The biggest difference was

最大的不同 The biggest difference

冒險經歷 The experience of adventure, Adventure

不會在乎 Don't care, Wouldn't care, Don't have minded, Wouldn't have minded

他不會在乎 He doesn't care, He wouldn't care, He wouldn't have minded

她不會在乎 She doesn't care, She wouldn't care, She wouldn't have minded

班上的同學鐵定會偷笑 Those in class would definitely have snickered

偷笑 Snicker, Snickers, Snickering, Snickered, Snigger, Sniggers, Sniggering, Sniggered

如果今天是她去上課 If she goes to class today, If she'd gone to class today

會比魔法更吸引他 Could interest him more than magic, Could attract him more than magic

會比魔法更吸引她 Could interest her more than magic, Could attract her more than magic

比魔法更吸引 More attractive than magic, More interesting than magic

不愁吃穿 Not have to worry about money, Not have to worry about food or clothing

愁吃穿 Worry about food and clothing, Be short of money

等她滿十八歲了 When she turns eighteen, When she turned eighteen

不真的需要 Don't really need, Didn't really need

想了一下 Thought about it, Thought about this, Thought for awhile

也跟大家一樣 Like everyone else

跟大家一樣 Like everyone else

默不作聲 Keep silent, Keeps silent, Kept silent, Stay silent, Stays silent, Staying silent, Stayed silent

不會有人知道 No one knew, No one had any idea

哪個科系 Which faculty, Which department, Which subject, What subject

科系 Department

堂生涯課 A careers class, Careers classes, A life lesson, Life lessons

安排在一起 Arrange them together, Arranges them together, Arranging them together, Arranged them together, Arranged together

篩揀 Sift, Sifts, Sifting, Sifted

一個反射在鏡子裡的人形 A figure reflected in a mirror, A reflected figure in a mirror, A reflected image in a mirror

鏡子裡的映像 Image in the mirror, Reflection in the mirror

映像 Image, Reflection

一天的回憶就湧進他的心裡 Memories of the day flooded into his mind, A days worth of memories flooded into his mind

一天的回憶就湧進她的心裡 Memories of the day flooded into her mind, A days worth of memories flooded into her mind

湧進 Rush in, Rushes in, Rushing in, Rushed in, Rush into, Rushes into, Rushing into, Rushed into, Flooded into, Poured into

一天的回憶 Memories of the day, A day's worth of memory, A day's worth of memories

碰了鏡子 Touched the mirror

跨了過去 Across the past, Step through, Steps through, Stepping through, Stepped through, Cross over, Crosses over, Crossing over, Crossed over

走到全身鏡前 Go to the full-length mirror, Goes to the full-length mirror, Went to the full-length mirror

全身鏡 Full-length mirror

他的分身點了點頭 His doppelgänger nodded, His reflection nodded

她的分身點了點頭 Her doppelgänger nodded, Her reflection nodded

分身 Doppelgänger, Reflection, Clone

你要拿回你的生活了嗎 Are you taking your life back?

妳要拿回妳的生活了嗎 Are you taking your life back?

煮千層麵 Make lasagna, Makes lasagna, Making lasagna, Made lasagna

我不會做 I can't do it, I couldn't do it, I don't know how to do it, I didn't know how to do it

關上背後的窗戶 Shut the window behind you, She shut the window behind her, He shut the window behind him

衝過頭 Overshoot, Overshot, Shot past

沒抓住窗台 Missed the windowsill, Missed grabbing the windowsill

抓住窗台 Grab the windowsill, Grabs the windowsill, Grabbing the windowsill, Grabbed the windowsill

很正常的一天 A very normal day

沒有發生什麼奇怪的事吧 Nothing strange happened?

踢掉 Kick off, Kicked off

千層麵 Lasagna

今天怎麼樣 How are you today?, How was your day?

跟壞蛋扭打了一下 Had a scuffle with a bad guy, Had a run-in with a bad guy

扭打 Scuffle, Scuffled, Run-in

瘀血了 Bruised, It's bruised, Your bruised

它說 It said

你的手臂 Your arm

妳的手臂 Your arm

睡得很熟 Sound asleep, Sleeping soundly

把耳朵貼上去偷聽 Placed her ear against it and listened, Placed his ear against it and listened

偷聽 Eavesdrop, listen secretly, Listens secretly, Listened secretly

他走到門口 He went to the door

她走到門口 She went to the door

走到門口 Go to the door, Goes to the door, Went to the door

一個跟他一模一樣的複製品 An exact copy of him, An exact replica of himself

一個跟她一模一樣的複製品 An exact copy of her, An exact replica of herself

坐在床上 Sit on the bed, Sits on the bed, Sitting on the bed, Sat on the bed, Sit up in bed, Sitting up in bed

不理會 Ignore, Ignores, Ignoring, Ignoted

打開了電燈 Turn on the light, Turned on the light, Turn on a light, Turned on a light, Turn the lights, Turned on the lights

他盡量悄悄移動 He moved as quietly as possible

她盡量悄悄移動 She moved as quietly as possible

盡量悄悄移動 Move as quietly as possible, Moving as quietly as possible, Moved as quietly as possible

爬進窗裡 Climb through the window, Climbs through the window, Climbing through the window, Climbed through the window

把自己舉上去 Pull yourself up, Pulled herself up, Pulled himself up, Pulled themselves up

費力地悶哼一聲 Grunt with exertion, Grunts with exertion, Grunting with exertion, Grunted with exertion

他把窗打開 He opened the window

她把窗打開 She opened the window

把窗打開 Open the window, Opens the window, Opening the window, Opened the window

他已經越來越進步了 He is getting better, He was getting better, He is improving, He was improving

她已經越來越進步了 She is getting better, She was getting better, She is improving, She was improving

差一點 Almost

窗台 Windowsill, Ledge

向上飛 Fly up, Flies up, Flying up, Flew up

空氣波動 The air is rippling, The air rippled

十指 Ten fingers, Fingers

他垂著手 He dropped his hands, He lowered his hands

她垂著手 She dropped her hands, She lowered her hands

只要施加適量的壓力 Just apply the right amount of pressure, With the right amount of pressure applied

認知到 Recognized

他感覺到空間是如何連接的 He felt how the spaces connected

她感覺到空間是如何連接的 She felt how the spaces connected

他感覺到 He felt, He sensed, He noticed

她感覺到 She felt, She sensed, She noticed

斷層 Fault

斷層線 Fault line, Fault lines

他不慌不忙 He didn't rush, He took his time

她不慌不忙 She didn't rush, She took her time

上的每一堂課都 Every class taken, Every class attended, Every class

讓他更能控制自己的法力 Gave him more control over his magical powers

讓她更能控制自己的法力 Gave her more control over her magical powers

每一堂課都 Every class, Every lesson

一堂課 One class, One lesson, A class, A lesson

還需要用梯子 Need to use ladder, Needs to use a ladder, Needed to use a ladder

集中心神 Focus, Focusing, Focused, Concentrate, Concentrating, Concentrated

站在他的窗戶正下方 Standing directly beneath his window, Stood directly beneath his window

站在她的窗戶正下方 Standing directly beneath her window, Stood directly beneath her window

家後面 Back of the house, The back of the house

偷溜到 Sneaked, Sneaked to

他開始學習魔法 He started to learn magic

她開始學習魔法 She started to learn magic

元素師 Master of the elements, An Elemental, Elementals

踏上了 Stepped on, Started on

保護自己 To protect themselves, To protect yourself, Protect yourself

可是別人可以拿這個名字來對付他們 But others can use this against them

深埋在下意識裡 Buried deep in the layer of the subconscious

自己取的名字 Self-chosen name

生俱 Born with

取一個新名字 Take a new name, Takes a new name, Taking a new name, Took a new name

一個新名字 A new name

眾神 Gods

追溯到世界上第一批巫師 Traced back to the world's first sorcerers, Tracing the world's first wizards

古者 Ancient, Ancients

可以追溯到 Could be traced to, Could be traced back to

那些想要把他們找回來的 Those who wanted them to return, The people who wanted their return

想要把他們找回來 Wanted them to return, Wanted their return

被驅趕出 Been driven out, Been exiled, Been expelled

驅趕出 Drive out, Driven out, Expel, Expelled

驅趕 Exile, Drive away, Expel, Eject, Cast out

大秘密 Big secret

奇幻 Fantasy

全盤改變了 Everything changed, It all changed

謀殺了 Murdered

那麼平靜祥和 So quiet and peaceful

東岸 East coast

這裡是個小鎮 This was a small town, It was a small town

認識得不多 Don't know much, Didn't know much

艾吉利 Edgley

史黛芙妮 Stephanie

大海的力量 The ocean's power, The power of the ocean

讓他覺得安全 Made him feel safe

讓她覺得安全 Made her feel safe

嬉鬧 Frolic, Play

在碼頭旁站了 Stood beside the pier, Stood by the pier

在碼頭旁 By the pier, Beside the pier

流貫 Run through, Flow through

在夜色中 In the darkness, Into the darkness, In the night, Into the night

夜色 Darkness, Night

尾燈 Tail light, Tail lights

挑高一道眉毛 Raise an eyebrow, Raising an eyebrow, Raised an eyebrow

挑高 High, Raise, Raises, Raising, Raised, Lift, Lifts, Lifting, Lifted

遵命 Follow orders, Follows orders, Following orders, Obey, Obeys, Obeying, Obeyed

保持警戒 Remain alert, Keep alert, Remain vigilant, Stay vigilant

警戒 Alert, Vigilant

需要你好好休息 Need you to rest, Need you well rested

需要妳好好休息 Need you to rest, Need you well rested

那就有擔不完的心了 Then there will be a lot to worry about, Then there will be endless worries

沒有什麼好擔心的了 Nothing to worry about

擋在這個國家之外 Keep out of the country, Keep out of this country

要是我們能 If we can, If only we can

可能不是 Maybe not

也可能不是 Maybe not

可能是 Maybe

明天是大日子 Tomorrow is a big day, Tomorrow is the big day, Tomorrow is going to be a big day

賓利車 A Bentley, The Bentley, Bentleys

兩邊都 Both sides, Either side

橙色的街燈 Orange streetlight, Orange streetlights

街燈 Streetlight, Streetlights

幽暗的田野 Dark field, Dark fields, Darkened field, Darkened fields

孤伶伶的屋子 Lone house, Lone houses, Lonely house, Lonely houses

之間彎曲 Curved between, Wound between, Winded between

變得越來越窄 Became narrower

下了匝道 Used the off ramp, Took the slip road

匝道 Slip road, Ramp

在高速公路上 On the highway, On the motorway

又行駛了五分鐘 Drove for another five minutes

粗聲粗氣 Gruff, Grumpy, Gruffly, Grumpily

所以跟他把你打傷一點關係都沒有囉 So it has nothing to do with him hurting you?

跟他把你打傷一點關係都沒有 It has nothing to do with him hurting you

我不喜歡她是因為她很邪惡 I don't like her because she is evil

我不喜歡他是因為他很邪惡 I don't like him because he is evil

我不喜歡她是因為 I don't like her because

我不喜歡他是因為 I don't like him because

我不喜歡她 I don't like her

我不喜歡他 I don't like him

她很邪惡 She is evil

他很邪惡 He is evil

你受了傷 You got hurt, You were injured

是不是因為這樣 Is it because of this?, Is it because of that?, Is that why?

因為這樣 Because of this, Because of that

是不是因為這樣你才不喜歡她 Is that why you don't like her?

是不是因為這樣你才不喜歡他 Is that why you don't like him?

你才不喜歡她 You don't like her

你才不喜歡他 You don't like him

受了重傷 Seriously injured

大家沒別的事好說了 People had nothing else to talk about

沒別的事好說了 Nothing else to say, Nothing else to talk about

沒別的事 Nothing else

我們打了一架 We had a fight

是怎麼樣 How is it?, How was it?, What happened?

傳奇的 Legendary

一戰 A battle, World War 1

傳奇的一役 A legendary battle

一役 A battle

轉頭看著 Turned to look at, Turned to

海格鎮 Town of Haggard, Haggard

海格 Hagrid, Haggard

嘟囔著 Muttered, Grumbled, Grunted

不妙了 Bad, Not good

妙了 Wonderful

那可就不妙了 That's not good, That would be bad, That's bad, That's just dandy

兩個晚上 Two nights

排成一列 Line up

打不開 Can't open, Not able to open

不夠強壯 Not strong enough, Isn't strong enough, Aren't strong enough, Wasn't strong enough, Won't be strong enough

灌輸到 Instill into, Pump into, Instills into, Pumps into

月蝕 Lunar eclipse

某一個晚上才 Only for one particular night

某一個晚上 One particular night, For one night, For one particular night

每隔幾年 Every few years

野蠻殘暴 Brutal, Savage

殘暴 Brutal, Savage

冷血無情 Ruthless, Cold-blooded

很可怕的生物 Terrifying creatures, Terrible creatures

黑月 Black moon

黑月獵犬 Hound of the black moon

差不多了 Almost, Just about, Close enough

黑獵犬 Black hound, Black hounds

學校裡還是有蓋爾語課吧 They do still teach Gaelic at school, yes?

蓋爾語 Gaelic, Gaelige

庫納基萊杜嘿 Cú na Gealaí Duibhe, Hound of the Black Moon

庫基拉 Cu Gealach, short for Cú na Gealaí Duibhe, Hound of the Black Moon, Kukira

唯一適合的心臟 The only suitable heart, The only heart suitable

它必須拿到一顆心臟 It needs to get a heart, It needed to get a heart

必須拿到 Must get, Need to get, Needs to get, Needed to get

那是不可能的 That is impossible, That is not going to happen

力量達到巔峰 At full strength, At peak strength

有點懷疑 A little doubtful, A little doubtfully, A little skeptical, A little skeptically

打開兩個世界之間的通道 Open a passage between two worlds, Opening a portal between two worlds

還不只是如此 Not only that, More than that

猶豫了那麼百分之一秒 Hesitated for a split second

百分之一秒 A hundredth of a second, A split second

我們有沒有辦法阻止它 Is there any way we could stop it?, Would we be able to stop it?

那會怎麼樣 What would happen?, What will happen?

讓這個東西起死回生 Bring this thing back to life, Brought this thing back to life, Revived this thing

她有 She has, She had, She did have

他有 He has, He had, He did have

糾正他 Corrected him

糾正她 Corrected her

起死回生了 Come back to life, Came back to life, Brought back to life

起死回生 Come back to life, Came back to life, Brought back to life

恐怕連我都不知道 I'm afraid even I don't know, I'm afraid not even I know

他的黨羽都是些什麼人 Who are his associates?, Who are these associates?

一歪 Tilted

活過來 Survive, Survived, Bring back to life

帶他們離開了圖書館 Leading them away from the library, Led them away from the library

用講的哪有用 What use is talking, What use would talking be, What use would talking have been, How would talking about it have helped

帶路進入一棟公寓樓房 Led the way into an apartment block, Led the way into a tenement building

那個塔很高 That tower is tall, That tower was tall, That tower was high

如果這樣都還不用提 If that isn't worth bringing up, If that isn't worth mentioning

反問他 Asked him, Queried him

反問她 Asked her, Queried her

我今天晚上被人家從高塔上丟出去 I was thrown from a tower tonight

被人家 By others, By someone

她現在有了個徒弟 She now has an apprentice

他現在有了個徒弟 He has an apprentice now

她根本就不算是人 She was not even human, She was scarcely human

他根本就不算是人 He was not even human, He was scarcely human

她自己也沒出力氣幫助 She herself had not expended any effort to help, She herself had not lifted a finger to help

他自己也沒出力氣幫助 He himself had not expended any effort to help, He himself had not done anything to help

我不能容忍不服從 I don't tolerate disobedience, I cannot stand insubordination

黑灰色 Dark grey

有個巫師看見了她 A sorcerer saw her, A sorcerer had seen her

有個巫師看見了他 A sorcerer saw him, A sorcerer had seen him

硬是認出了她 Had recognized her (in a crowd), Picking her out, Picked her out

硬是認出了他 Had recognized him (in a crowd), Picking him out, Picked him out

天不從人願 Fate had other plans

就是天不從人願 But fate had other plans

她本來是打算順順利利抵達的 She had hoped to arrive without incident, She would have preferred to have arrived without incident

他本來是打算順順利利抵達的 He had planned to arrive without incident, He had hoped to arrive without a hitch

把某個人殺了 Kill someone, Killed someone

陰沉沉地說 Said darkly, Said gloomily

那是又多一種邪惡 That's one more kind of evil, That's one more evil

一下子就衝到十一 Goes all the way up (past 10) to 11, (on a scale of 1 to 10) goes all the way up to 11

不幸的是 Unfortunately

我倒喜歡這麼想 I like to think so, I like to think

那他現在全身是疤嗎 Does he have scars all over his body now?, Is he scarred all over now?, Is his whole body scarred now?

沒有炸死他 The explosion didn't kill him, He didn't die in the explosion

她也不喜歡你 She doesn't like you either

他也不喜歡你 He doesn't like you either

觀察了 Observed, Looked at, Watched

全力以赴還不夠 Going all out won't be sufficient, Your best won't be enough

八十年前是你逮捕他的 You arrested him eighty years ago

十年前是你逮捕他的 You arrested him ten years ago

派人 Send people, Sends people, Sent people

沒說話 Doesn't speak, Didn't speak, Was silent

我收到了令人不安的消息 I've received disturbing news, I have received some unsettling news

我收到了 I received, I have received

一手在牆壁上摸索 Felt along the wall with one hand

會起雞皮疙瘩 Get goosebumps, Gets goosebumps, Got goosebumps

新的建築靜靜傍著鄰居矗立 The new building stood quietly next to its neighbors

建築靜靜傍著鄰居矗立 The building stood quietly next to its neighbors

捏了 Pinch, Squeeze, Grab

捏了他的鼻子 Pinched his nose

垂死掙扎 Sucker punch, Desparate attack

巴索羅繆 Bartholomew

凱斯特倫 Kestron, Castallan

格瑞哥 Greg, Gregory

法普 Fop, Fap

阿米格 Armiger

歐德 Ode

柯瑟納斯 Cothurnus, Korsenas

雪梨 Sydney

不是很了解 Don't really understand, Doesn't really understand

兩手捂著臉 Cover your face with your hands, Covered his face with his hands, Covered her face with her hands, They'd covered their faces with their hands

捂著臉 Cover your face, Covers their face, Covering their face, Covered their face

摔在地上 Fell to the ground, Fell

翻了個筋斗 Somersault, Somersaults, Somersaulting, Somersaulted, Do a somersault

用前臂切她的咽喉 Slammed a forearm across her throat

用前臂切他的咽喉 Sliced a forearm into his throat

欺近 Move closer, Moves closer, Moving closer, Moved closer, Deceive, Deceives, Deceived, Bully, Bullies, Bullying, Bullied

我要宰了 I want to kill, I'm going to kill

變成很怪異的一團物體 Turning into an awkward heap

一隻手肘撞進她的胸口 An elbow crashed into her chest

一隻手肘撞進他的胸口 An elbow crashed into his chest

一隻腳踢中他的小腿 A foot kicked his lower leg

一隻腳踢中她的小腿 A foot kicked her lower leg

她慢慢站起來 She stood up slowly

他慢慢站起來 He stood up slowly

惡狠狠地瞪著他 Glaring at him angrily, Glared at him angrily

惡狠狠地瞪著她 Glaring at her angrily, Glared at her angrily

手腳大張 Arms and legs sprawled apart

抖得好厲害 Trembling, Shaking badly

妳說什麼 What did you say?, What?

你會是我第一個殺掉的人 You will be the first person I kill

妳會是我第一個殺掉的人 You will be the first person I kill

他怒瞪著她 He stared at her angrily

把殺人變成了藝術 Turn murder into a kind of art, Turn killing into a kind of art, Turning killing into a form of art

你有沒有殺人 Have you killed anyone?

你該死了 Damn you, Time for you to die

妳該死了 Damn you, Time for you to die

她目前的程度 Her current level, Her current level of ability, Her current ability, Her current abilities

是這樣嗎 Is that it?, Is that so?, Is that what you think?

古代的神 Ancient spirit, Ancient spirits, Ancient god, Ancient gods, Ancient one, Ancient ones

哪門子 What kind of, What kind

他不想往下看 He did not want to look down

她不想往下看 She did not want to look down

不敢往下頭看 Did not want to look down, Did not dare to look down

他到處都看過了 He looked everywhere

她到處都看過了 She looked everywhere

他不理會上頭那個人的嘲諷 He ignored the goading of the person above

她不理會上頭那個人的嘲諷 She ignored the goading of the person above

是個訓練有素的殺人機器 A well trained killing machine

下落了 Whereabouts, Dropped

查出下落了 Has been located, Located

已經都讓男爵的黨羽找到了 Has all been found by the Baron's henchmen

黨羽 Partisan, Partisans, Associate, Associates, Henchman, Henchmen

無論是什麼 Whatever it is

這最後一個成分 This final ingredient, This last ingredient

我聽說 I heard, I have heard

幹嘛再上一次 Why are we doing this?, Why are we going over this?

歷史課 History lesson, History class

這是歷史課 This is a history lesson, This is a lesson in history

她兩手抱胸 She crossed her arms, She folded her arms

他兩手抱胸 He crossed his arms, He folded his arms

受的傷可不輕 Badly injured, Is badly injured, Was badly injured

要是我記得沒錯 If I remember correctly

整個戰爭 The whole war

那是整個戰爭裡最為人津津樂道的一場仗 It was the most talked about battle of the whole war

最為人津津樂道的一場仗 The most talked about battle, Most talked about battles

一場仗 A battle

最為人津津樂道 Most talked about

津津樂道 Relish, Relishes, Relished, Talk about, Talks about, Talked about

逮捕了她 Captured her, Arrested her, Brought her to justice

逮捕了他 Captured him, Arrested him, Brought him to justice

他追蹤男爵到一個已經暴露的敵人藏身處 He tracked the Baron to an exposed enemy hideout

已經暴露 Exposed, Uncovered, Known

藏身處 Hiding place, Hideaway

破壞了他們的計畫 Ruined their plan, Foiled their plan

破壞了她的計畫 Ruined her plan, Foiled her plan

破壞了他的計畫 Ruined his plan, Foiled his plan

得到神秘的成分 Retrieve the mysterious ingredient

這個世界 This world, The world

幸虧我們運氣好 Luckily for us, Fortunately for ourselves

我可不知道 I don't know

我們可不知道 We don't know

她知道 She knows, She knew

他知道 He knows, He knew


髂骨前上棘 ASIC, ASIS, Anterior Superior Iliac Crest, Anterior Superior Iliac Spine

腹部 Abdomen

腹肌 Abdominal Muscles

腹壁 Abdominal Wall

髖臼 Acetabulum

肩鎖關節 Acromio-Clavicular Joint

峰鎖骨關節 Acromio-Clavicular Joint

肩峰 Acromion Process

內收短肌 Adductor Brevis

內收肌群 Adductor Group

內收長肌 Adductor Longus

內收大肌 Adductor Magnus

主運動肌 Agonist

肺泡 Alveoli

肛門腺 Anal Glands

踝關節 Ankle Joint

拮抗肌 Antagonist

屁眼 Anus

肛門 Anus

附肢骨骼 Appendicular Skeleton

胳膊 Arm

手臂肌肉 Arm Muscles

胳肢窩 Armpit

腋窩 Armpits

動脈 Artery

關節軟骨 Articular Cartilage

關節突 Articular Process

中軸骨骼 Axial Skeleton

小腹 Belly

二頭肌溝 Bicepital Groove

二頭肌 Biceps

肱二頭肌長頭 Biceps Brachii Long Head

肱二頭肌短頭 Biceps Brachii Short Head

股二頭肌 Biceps Femoris

股二頭肌長頭 Biceps Femoris Long Head

股二頭肌短頭 Biceps Femoris Short Head

血管 Blood Vessels

骨頭 Bone

筋骨 Bones And Muscles

肱肌 Brachialis

腦髓 Brain

腦子 Brain

頭腦 Brain

恥骨嵴和坐骨粗隆間的橋梁 Bridge The Gap Between The Pubic Bone And Ischial Tuberosities

中樞神經 CNS, Central Nervous System

跟骨 Calcaneus

微血管 Capillary

肱骨小頭 Capitulum

腕骨 Carpals

軟骨 Cartilage

頸椎 Cervical Spine

顴骨 Cheekbone

胸口 Chest

胸膛 Chest

胸肌 Chest Muscles

下巴 Chin

鎖骨 Clavicle

尾骨 Coccyx

喙肱肌 Coraco-Brachialis

肋軟骨 Costal Cartilage

胯部 Crotch, Groin

骰骨 Cuboid

楔骨 Cuneiform

楔狀骨 Cuneiform bone

三角肌 Deltoid

三角肌前頭 Deltoid Anterior Head

三角肌中頭 Deltoid Medial Head

三角肌後頭 Deltoid Posterior Head

三角肌粗隆 Deltoid Tuberosity

膈肌 Diaphragm

骨幹 Diaphysis

十二指腸 Duodenum

肘關節 Elbow Joint

肘接 Elbow joint

肌內膜 Endomysium

骨內膜 Endosteum

肌外膜 Epimysium

豎棘肌 Erector Spinae

篩骨 Ethmoid Bone

外肋間肌 External Intercostals

腹外斜肌 External Obliques

眼窩 Eye Socket

眼瞼 Eyelid

眼皮 Eyelids

眼睛 Eyes

假肋 False Ribs

肌膜 Fascia

股骨頭 Femoral Head

股骨頸 Femoral Neck

大腿骨 Femur

股骨 Femur

腓骨 Fibula

手指關節 Finger Joints

浮肋 Floating Ribs

蹠骨 Foot Bones And Bones Of The Arch, Meta-Tarsals

額頭 Forehead

額骨 Frontal Bone

膽囊 Gall bladder

孖下肌 Gemellus Inferior

孖上肌 Gemellus Superior

臀肌 Gluteus

大臀肌 Gluteus Maximus

臀大肌 Gluteus Maximus

中臀肌 Gluteus Medius

臀中肌 Gluteus Medius

臀小肌 Gluteus Minimus

小臀肌 Gluteus Minimus

股薄肌 Gracilis

坐骨大切跡 Greater Sciatic Notch

鼠蹊 Groin

硬顎 Hard Palate

腓骨頭 Head Of Fibula

肝動脈 Hepatic Artery

胯骨 Hip Bone

髖骨 Hip Bone

無名骨 Hip Bone, Innominate Bone, Nameless Bone

髖關節 Hip Joint

股關節 Hip Joint

肱骨頭 Humeral Head

肱骨 Humerus

舌骨 Hyoid Bone

髂骨棘 Iliac Crest

腸骨棘 Iliac crest, Iliac spine

髂肌 Iliacus

髂腰肌 Iliopsoas

髂骨 Ilium

腸骨 Ilium

棘下肌 Infraspinatus

腹股溝 Inguinal, Inguinal Groove

腹股溝韌帶 Inguinal Ligament

中間楔狀骨 Intermediate Cuneiform

內肋間肌 Internal Intercostals

腹內斜肌 Internal Obliques

椎間盤 Intervertebral Disc

椎間孔 Intervertebral Foramina

坐骨棘 Ischial Spine

坐骨結節 Ischial Tuberosities

坐骨粗隆 Ischial Tuberosities

坐骨枝 Ischio-Ramus

坐骨 Ischium

關節 Joint

關節面 Joint Facet

腎臟 Kidney, Kidneys

膝關節 Knee Joint

指節 Knuckle, Knuckles

指關節 Knuckles

淚骨 Lacrimal Bone

椎板 Laminae

外側楔狀骨 Lateral Cuneiform

外頭 Lateral Head (Muscle)

外踝腓骨 Lateral Malleolus Of The Fibula

外側緣 Lateral Margin

背肌 Latissimus

闊背肌 Latissimus Dorsai

坐骨小切跡 Lesser Sciatic Notch

提肩胛肌 Levator Scapulae

韌帶 Ligaments

股骨粗線 Linea Aspera

肝臟 Liver

下角 Lower Angle

下關節突 Lower Articular Process

腰椎 Lumbar Spine

肺臟 Lungs

下頜骨 Mandible

上頜骨 Maxilla

內側楔狀骨 Medial Cuneiform

內踝脛骨 Medial Malleolus Of The Tibia

內側緣 Medial Margin

內側的肌肉 Medial Muscles

掌骨 Meta-Carpals

筋肉 Muscle

肌肉 Muscle

肌纖維 Muscle Fibers

肌群 Muscle Group

筋肉組織 Muscle Tissue

腹壁的肌肉 Muscles Of The Abdominal Wall

軀幹的肌肉 Muscles Of The Trunk

肌耐力 Muscular Endurance

鼻骨 Nasal Bone

舟狀骨 Navicular

頸部 Neck

神經 Nerve

神經傳感 Neurotransmitter

乳頭 Nipple

閉孔外肌 Obturator Externus

閉孔內肌 Obturator Internus

枕骨 Occipital Bone

視神經 Optic nerve

齶骨 Palatine Bone

胰臟 Pancreas

頂骨 Parietal Bone

恥骨肌 Pectineus

胸大肌 Pectoralis Major

胸大肌鎖骨部 Pectoralis Major Clavicular Head

胸大肌胸骨部 Pectoralis Major Sternal Head

胸小肌 Pectoralis Minor

椎弓根 Pedicle

椎根 Pedicle

骨盆隔膜 Pelvic Diaphragm

骨盆底 Pelvic Floor

骨盆帶 Pelvic Girdle

骨盆的下側部份 Pelvic Girdle Lower Portion

骨盆區域 Pelvic Region

骨盆 Pelvis

腎盂 Pelvis

陰莖 Penis

肌束膜 Perimysium

骨膜 Periosteum

骨外膜 Periosteum

腓長肌 Peroneus Longus

指骨 Phalanges

趾骨 Phalanges

梨狀肌 Piriformis

腦下垂體 Pituitary Gland

樞軸關節 Pivot Joint

腰肌 Psoas

腰大肌 Psoas Major

恥骨 Pubic Bone

恥骨嵴 Pubic Crest

恥骨聯合 Pubic Synthesis

恥骨結節 Pubic Tubercle

恥骨下枝 Pubo-Ramus

眼瞳 Pupil (of the eye)

方股肌 Quadratus Femoris

股方肌 Quadratus Femoris

股四頭肌 Quadriceps

橈骨莖突 Radial Bone Styloid Process

下尺橈關節 Radio-Ulnar Joint

橈骨 Radius

直腸 Rectum

腹直肌 Rectus Abdominus

股直肌 Rectus Femoris

眼網膜 Retina

視網膜 Retina

大菱形肌 Rhomboid Major

小菱形肌 Rhomboid Minor

胸廓 Ribcage

肋骨 Ribs

薦骨 Sacrum

縫匠肌 Sartorius

舟骨 Scaphoid

肩胛骨 Scapula, Shoulder blade

肩胛棘 Scapular Ridge, Scapular Spine

腎囊 Scrotum

半膜肌 Semimembranosus

半腱肌 Semitendinosus

前鋸肌 Serratus Anterior

肩膀 Shoulder

肩頭 Shoulder

肩關節 Shoulder Joint

肩窩 Shoulder socket

骨骼 Skeleton

骷髏 Skeleton

頭骨 Skull

骷髏頭 Skull

蠂骨 Sphenoid Bone

背脊骨 Spinal Column

脊椎 Spine

棘突 Spinous Process

協同肌 Stabilizers

胸鎖骨關節 Sterno-Clavicular Joint

胸鎖乳突肌 Sternocleido-Mastoid

胸骨 Sternum

胃部 Stomach

肩胛下肌 Subscapularis

恥骨上枝 Superior Pubic Ramus

上枝 Superior Ramus

棘上肌 Supraspinatus

距骨 Talus

跗骨 Tarsals

顳骨 Temporal Bone

肌腱 Tendon

筋節 Tendons And Joints

筋絡 Tendons And Veins

闊肌膜張肌 Tensor Fascia Latae

大圓肌 Teres Major

小圓肌 Teres Minor

軀幹 The trunk

大腿 Thigh

股溝 Thigh Groove

胸腔 Thoracic Cavity

胸椎 Thoracic Spine

脛骨 Tibia

脛骨粗隆 Tibial Tuberosity

趾關節 Toe Joint

氣管 Trachea

腹橫肌 Transverse Abdominus

橫突 Transverse Process

斜方肌 Trapezius

三頭肌 Triceps

肱三頭肌 Triceps Brachii

肱三頭肌外頭 Triceps Brachii Lateral Head

肱三頭肌長頭 Triceps Brachii Long Head

肱三頭肌內頭 Triceps Brachii Medial Head

肱骨滑車 Trochlea

真肋 True Ribs

結節 Tubercle

肋骨小面 Tubercle Of Rib

粗隆 Tuberosity

尺骨 Ulna

尺骨之莖狀突 Ulna Styloid Process

上角 Upper Angle

上關節突 Upper Articular Process

上胸位置 Upper Chest Region

上臂 Upper arm

大胸肌使力 Using The Strength Of The Pectoralis Major

產前 Vagina

中間廣肌 Vastus Intermedius

外側廣肌 Vastus Lateralis

內側廣肌 Vastus Medialis

脊椎骨 Vertebrae

椎體 Vertebral Body

椎孔 Vertebral Foramen

脊椎關節 Vertebral Joint

聲帶 Vocal chords

鋤骨 Vomer

犁骨 Vomer Bone

子宮 Womb

手腕 Wrist

腕關節 Wrist Joint


羚羊 Antelope

猿猴 Ape

小象 Baby Elephant

河狸 Beaver

野牛 Bison

黑熊 Black bear

山貓 Bobcat, Lynx, Wildcat

棕熊 Brown Bear

鬥牛犬 Bulldog

駱駝 Camel

貓咪 Cat

貓貓 Cat

小貓 Cat

變色龍 Chameleon

獵豹 Cheetah, Leopard

眼鏡蛇 Cobra

奶牛 Cow

土狼 Coyote

恐龍 Dinosaur

冰原狼 Dire wolf

狗兒 Dog

狗狗 Dog

驢子 Donkey

大象 Elephant

田鼠 Field Mouse

鼯鼠 Flying Squirrel

狐狸 Fox

大熊貓 Giant panda

山羊 Goat

小羊 Goat

幼獸 Hatchling

小母牛 Heifer

母雞 Hen

河馬 Hippopotamus

獵犬 Hound, Hunting dog

獵狗 Hunting Dog

無尾熊 Koala

花豹 Leopard

獅子 Lion

蜥蜴 Lizard

小猴子 Monkey

猴子 Monkey, Monkeys

山獅 Mountain lion

鼠標 Mouse

小老鼠 Mouse

老鼠 Mouse

騾子 Mule

無毛鼴形鼠 Naked mole rat

水獺 Otter

貓熊 Panda

熊貓 Panda

小豬 Piglet

犁馬 Plough Horse

毒蛇 Poisonous snake

北極熊 Polar Bear

小狗 Puppy

蟒蛇 Python

兔子 Rabbit

小兔 Rabbit

浣熊 Raccoon

蛔蟲 Round worm

海蛇 Sea snake

綿羊 Sheep

臭鼬 Skunk

蝸牛 Snail

大蛇 Snake

栗鼠 Squirrel

松鼠 Squirrel

老虎 Tiger

蟾蜍 Toad

烏龜 Turtle

麒麟 Unicorn

戰馬 War Horse

鼬鼠 Weasel

鼠狼 Weasel

白鹿 White Deer

野貓 Wild Cat

狼狽 Wolverine

黃牛 Yellow Bull

斑馬 Zebra


鮑魚 Abalone

鱷魚 Alligator

鱈魚 Cod

螃蟹 Crab

魷魚 Cuttlefish

海豚 Dolphin

小魚 Fish

青蛙 Frog

章魚 Octopus

鮭魚 Salmon

海葵 Sea Anemone

鱸魚 Sea Bass

鯊魚 Shark

蝦仁 Shrimp

鯛魚 Snapper

海星 Starfish

旗魚 Swordfish

蝌蚪 Tadpole

熱帶魚 Tropical fish

鮪魚 Tuna

鯨魚 Whale


信天翁 Albatross

鳥兒 Bird

雀鳥 Bird

黑天鵝 Black Swan

紅嘴黑鵯 Black bulbul

藍鵲 Blue Magpie

仙禽 Crane

仙鶴 Crane

烏鴉 Crow

布穀鳥 Cuckoo

鴨子 Duck

水鴨 Duck

蒼鷹 Eagle, Falcon

白鷺鸞 Egret

白鵝 Goose

八哥 Myna

鴕鳥 Ostrich

鸚鵡 Parrot

孔雀 Peacock

企鵝 Penguin

企鵝們 Penguins

鴿子 Pigeon

黑烏鴉 Raven

海鷗 Sea Gull

麻雀 Sparrow

燕子 Swallow

燕窩 Swallow's nests

天鵝 Swan

畫眉 Thrush

啄木鳥 Woodpecker


螞蟻 Ant

蜜蜂 Bee

窩蜂 Bee's nest

甲蟲 Beetle

蟲蟲 Bugs, Insects, Worms

毛毛蟲 Caterpillar

蟬兒們 Cicada

蟋蟀 Cricket

螢火 Firefly

蒼蠅 Fly

果蠅 Fruit fly

蚊子 Gnat, Mosquito

大黃蜂 Hornet

昆蟲 Insects

孑孓 Mosquito larvae

蜘蛛 Spider

黃蜂 Wasp


攪拌器 Blender

冰箱 Cooler, Fridge, Icebox, Refrigerator

洗碗機 Dishwasher

吹風機 Hair dryer

家庭電器 Household appliance

微波爐 Microwave oven

火爐 Oven

無線電 Radio

線電 Radio

收音機 Radio

電飯鍋 Rice cooker

機器人吸塵器 Robot vacuum cleaner

倫巴機器人吸塵器 Roomba robot vacuum

爐子 Stove

電視 Television

電視機 Television

烤麵包機 Toaster

真空吸塵器 Vacuum cleaner

吸塵器 Vacuum cleaner

洗衣機 Washing machine

熱水器 Water heater


遠日點 Aphelion

遠地點 Apogee

黑洞 Black Hole

彗星 Comet

星系 Galaxy, Planetary System, Star System

月蝕 Lunar eclipse

流星 Meteor, Shooting Star

軌道 Orbit

軌道動力能 Orbital Mechanics

星球 Planet

行星 Planets

衛星 Satellite

恆星系統 Star System

恆星系 Star System, Stellar System

星星 Stars

太陽 Sun

蟲洞 Wormhole


地球 Earth

木星 Jupiter

火星 Mars

水星 Mercury

海星 Neptune

冥王星 Pluto

土星 Saturn

月球 The Moon

天王星 Uranus

金星 Venus


戶頭 Account

攤還 Amortize

餘額 Bank balance

存入 Deposit

支出 Withdrawal


酒精 Alcohol

可可亞 Cocoa

椰奶 Coconut Milk

椰奶冰沙 Coconut Milk Smoothy

半杯 Half cup

養樂多檸檬 Healthy Lemon Drink

熱水 Hot Water, Hot Water

摩卡 Mocha

阿華田 Ovaltine

冰沙 Smoothy (Blended Ice Drink)

礦泉水 Spring Water


啤酒 Beer

瓶啤酒 Bottle of beer

百威啤酒 Budweiser beer

冰啤酒 Cold beer

台灣金牌啤酒 Taiwan Gold Medal Beer

泰國啤酒 Thailand Beer


一杯熱咖啡 A Cup Of Coffee

美式黑咖啡 Americano

黑苦咖啡 Bitter black coffee

黑咖啡 Black Coffee

咖啡館 Café, Coffee shop

咖啡 Coffee

烘咖啡 Coffee Roaster

精品啡 Coffee flavored

濃縮咖啡 Espresso

多一份濃縮咖啡 Extra shot of espresso

熱咖啡 Hot Coffee

拿鐵 Latte

添咖啡 More coffee

上午的咖啡 Morning coffee

早晨的咖啡 Morning coffee

無糖拿鐵咖啡 Sugar Free Latte


卡布其諾 Cappuccino

卡布 Cappuccino

卡布基諾 Cappuccino


冰咖啡 Ice Coffee

西西里檸檬冰咖啡 Sicilian Lemon Flavored Ice Coffee


炙燒黑糖那緹 Burnt Brown Sugar Latte

蜂蜜肉桂那緹 Honey And Cinnamon Latte

那緹 Latte

抹茶那緹 Mocha Latte

烤杏果那緹 Roast Almond Latte

豆漿拿鐵咖啡 Soy Milk Latte

特調拿鐵咖啡 Special Latte

太妃榛果那緹 Toffee Nut Latte

香草那緹 Vanilla Latte

凡爾賽玫瑰那緹 Versailles Rose Latte


炙燒黑糖歐蕾 Brown Sugar Café Au Lait

焦糖瑪琦朵 Caramel Machiato

烤布蕾瑪朵 Crème Brulee Macchiato

瑪朵 Macchiato

瑪琦朵 Machiato


蘋果鳳梨汁 Apple And Pineapple Juice

蘋果汁 Apple Juice

紅蘿蔔汁 Carrot Juice

椰子汁 Coconut Juice

新鮮果汁 Fresh Fruit Juice

柳橙原汁 Fresh Orange Juice

現榨果汁 Fresh Squeezed Juice

泰國果肉鮮椰子汁 Fresh Thailand Coconut Juice With Fruit Pulp

果汁 Fruit Juice

芭樂檸檬 Guava And Lemon (A Drink)

芭樂鳳梨 Guava And Pineapple (A Drink)

芭樂汁 Guava Juice (A Drink)

蜂蜜檸檬汁 Honey-Lemon Juice

原汁 Juice

奇異果蘋果汁 Kiwi And Apple Juice

奇異果柳橙汁 Kiwi And Orange Juice

奇異果鳳梨汁 Kiwi And Pineapple Juice

奇異果汁 Kiwi Juice

金桔檸檬汁 Kumquat And Lemon Juice

金桔汁 Kumquat Juice

檸檬汁 Lemon juice

芒果汁 Mango Juice

綜合果汁 Mixed fruit juice

柳橙汁 Orange Juice

木瓜汁 Papaya Juice

百香果汁 Passion Fruit Juice

鳳梨西瓜汁 Pineapple And Watermelon Juice

鳳梨汁 Pineapple Juice

鳳梨柳橙汁 Pineapple-Orange Juice

梅子芭樂汁 Plum And Guava Juice

梅子蕃茄汁 Plum And Tomato Juice

葡萄柚原汁 Pomello Juice

蕃茄鳳梨汁 Tomato And Pineapple Juice

西瓜汁 Watermelon Juice


綠豆沙牛奶 Green bean milk smoothy

芭樂牛奶 Guava And Milk (A Drink)

低脂牛奶 Low Fat Milk

牛奶 Milk

奶水 Milk

綜合牛奶 Mixed Milk Drink (Possibly With Mixed Fruit)

木瓜牛奶 Papaya And Milk

鳳梨牛奶 Pineapple And Milk

台灣省農會牛奶 Taiwan Local Farmers Association Milk

西瓜牛奶 Watermelon And Milk

全脂牛奶 Whole Milk


糙米漿 Brown Rice Milk

糙米豆漿 Brown Rice Soy Milk

鮮奶豆漿 Fresh Soy Milk

薏仁糙米漿 Job's Tears Brown Rice Milk

薏仁漿 Job's Tears Milk

薏仁豆漿 Job's Tears Soy Milk

米漿 Rice milk

豆漿 Soy milk


珍珠奶茶 Bubble milk tea

鮮奶奶茶 Fresh Milk Milk Tea

薑汁奶茶 Ginger milk tea

冰奶茶 Iced Milk Tea

牛奶奶茶 Milk Tea


蘋果西打 Apple Soda

黑松沙士 Black Pine Sarsaparilla

可口可樂 Coca Cola, Coke

可樂 Cola

芒果微舒打 Mango Soda

蜜桃草莓微舒打 Peach And Strawberry Soda

西打 Soda

汽水 Soda


杏仁茶 Almond Tea

又一杯熱茶 Another cup of tea

紅茶 Black Tea (Red Tea)

杯茶 Cup Of Tea

一杯熱茶 Cup of tea

各種茶 Different teas

伯爵茶 Earl Grey Tea

水果茶 Fruit tea

薑汁奶茶 Ginger milk tea

青草茶 Grass Tea

綠牛奶茶無糖 Green Milk Tea Without Sugar

青茶 Green Tea

綠茶 Green Tea

綠茶無糖 Green Tea Without Sugar

熱茶 Hot tea, Tea

檸檬紅茶 Lemon Black Tea

奶茶 Milk Tea

抹茶 Mocha

茶水 Tea

泰式奶茶 Thai Style Milk Tea

冬瓜紅茶 Winter Melon Black Tea

冬瓜茶 Winter Melon Tea


某一種化合物 A certain compound

某一種化合物的分子量 A certain compound's molecular weight

物質發生化學變化產生新物質 A substance that undergoes a chemical change produces a new substance

依據道耳頓原子說 According to Dalton's atomic theory

加入適量的水鹽酸 Add an appropriate amount of hydrochloric acid

水溶液 Aqueous solution

甲原子 Atom A

甲的原子量 Atom A's atomic weight

原子的質量 Atomic mass

碳原子質量 Atomic mass of carbon

原子質量比 Atomic mass ratio

原子量訂法 Atomic weighing method

原子量 Atomic weight

碳的原子量 Atomic weight of carbon

鎂的原子量 Atomic weight of magnesium, Magnesium's atomic weight

其他元素的原子量 Atomic weights of other elements

原子與分子 Atoms and molecules

亞佛加厥數 Avogadro's number

碳酸鈣 Calcium carbonate

氯化鈣 Calcium chloride

碳原子 Carbon atom

二氧化碳 Carbon dioxide

催化劑 Catalyst

化學式 Chemical formula, Chemical formulae, Molecular formula

化學式中所含原子 Chemical formula's included atoms

化學反應式 Chemical reaction formula

化學反應的式子 Chemical reaction formula

氯氣 Chlorine, Chlorine gas

常見元素 Common elements

含有多少莫耳氧原子 Contains how many moles of oxygen atoms

硫酸銅 Copper sulfate

各原子質量 Each atomic mass

吸熱 Endothermic

吸熱反應 Endothermic reaction

放熱 Exothermic

放熱反應 Exothermic reaction

分子中所有原子 For all atoms within a molecule

氣態 Gas state, Gaseous

葡萄糖 Glucose

有多少莫耳 Has how many moles?

多少莫耳 How many moles?

含有多少莫耳 How many moles?

鹽酸 Hydrochloric acid

氫氣 Hydrogen

雙氧水 Hydrogen peroxide

雙氧水分解產生水和氧氣 Hyrdrogen peroxide decomposes to produce water and oxygen

如果反應必須在特殊條件下才能進行 If the reaction requires certain conditions in order to proceed

氧化鐵 Iron oxide

相當於多少莫耳 Is equivalent to how many moles?

其化學式寫為 Its molecular formulae is written as

鎂和碳 Magnesium and carbon

鎂原子 Magnesium atom

氧化鎂 Magnesium oxide

分子數 Mass divided by atomic mass or molecular mass

質量比 Mass ratio

甲烷 Methane

莫耳 Mol, Mole

分子的 Molecular

分子式 Molecular formula

分子的質量 Molecular mass

分子模型 Molecular model

分子量 Molecular weight

分子量是各分子質量的比較數值 Molecular weight is a molecule's relative molecular mass, Molecular weight is the relative value of a molecules molecular mass

分子量為分子中所有原子的原子量總和 Molecular weight is the sum of the atomic weights of all atoms within a molecule

莫耳數 Number of moles

氧氣 Oxygen

氧原子 Oxygen atom

將沉澱物置入丙試管中 Place the precipitate into the third test tube

把乙試管內的液體全部倒入 Pour in all of the liquid from test tube B

沉澱 Precipitate

沉澱物 Precipitate

生成物 Product, Product of a reaction

反應物 Reactants

反應式 Reaction formula

分子質量的比較數值 Relative molecular mass

飽和氯化鈣水溶液 Saturated calcium chloride solution

飽和碳酸鈉水溶液 Saturated sodium carbonate solution

依序平衡各種原子 Sequentially balance the various atoms

碳酸鈉 Sodium carbonate

化鈉 Sodium chloride

化學計量 Stoichiometry

分子中所有原子的原子量 The atomic mass for all atoms within a molecule

一個原子或分子的質量 The mass of an atom or molecule

反應式寫為 The reaction formula is written as

分子中所有原子的原子量總和 The sum of atomic masses of all atoms within a molecule

質量為多少公克 What is the mass in grams?

哪一個分子數較多 Which molecular number is bigger

氫氧化鈉 sodium hydroxide


鳥官 Bird officials


圍裙 Apron

臂章 Armband

泳衣 Bathing Suit, Swimming Costume, Swimming Trunks

晨褸 Bathrobe

浴袍 Bathrobe, Robe

米色麻料西裝 Beige linen suit

腰帶 Belt

上衣 Blouse, Shirt

領結 Bow tie

西裝 Business suit

斗篷 Cape, Cloak

衣服 Clothes

衣裳 Clothes

衣著 Clothes, Clothing

衣料 Clothing

外衣 Coat, Garment

領子 Collar

衣領 Collar

蓬裙 Crinoline

褲襠 Crotch Of Trousers

袖扣 Cuff link

舞衣 Dancing Clothes

牛仔夾克 Denim Jacket

牛仔襯衫 Denim Shirt

晚宴服 Dinner Jacket

脫掉 Doffed

羽絨服 Down jacket

洋裝 Dress

禮服 Dress, Gown

連身裙 Dress

耳環 Ear rings

晚禮服 Evening Dress

連身印花裙 Floral dress, Floral print one piece dress

鬆軟舒適的浴袍 Fluffy bath robe

球衣 Football jersey

前面口袋 Front Pocket

眼鏡 Glasses, Spectacles

手套 Gloves

護目鏡 Goggles

蛙鏡 Goggles

袍子 Gown

高帽 Hat, Top hat

頭盔 Helmet

連帽外套 Hoodie, Sweat Top

夾克 Jacket

外套 Jacket

牛仔褲 Jeans

實驗衣 Lab coat

蕾絲領子 Lace collar

皮衣 Leather Clothing

麻料西裝 Linen suit

長大衣 Long coat

長度到大腿中段的格子呢裙 Mid-Thigh Length Tartan Skirt

軍服 Military Uniform, Uniform

領巾 Neckerchief

項鏈 Necklace

領帶 Necktie

睡袍 Nightgown

睡衣 Pajamas

褲子 Pants

罩裙 Pinafore, Smock

保護衣 Protective clothing

皮包 Purse

雨衣 Rain Coat

紅袍 Red Robe

紅臂章 Red armband

紅領巾 Red neckerchief

校服 School Clothes, School Uniform

襯衫 Shirt

襯衣 Shirt

短裙 Short Skirt

短褲裝 Short-pants suit

短褲 Shorts

絲袍 Silk robe

緊身衣 Skin-tight clothing

裙子 Skirt

裙幅 Skirts

袖子 Sleeve, Sleeves

無袖 Sleeveless

洋襪子 Socks

帶刺頭盔 Spiked helmet

墨鏡 Sunglasses

毛衣 Sweater

脫下來 Take off (clothes), Undress

格子呢裙 Tartan Skirt

領帶夾 Tie clip

脫了 Took off

高禮帽 Top hat

褲管 Trouser Legs

褲裝 Trouser suit, Trousers

長褲 Trousers

衷衣 Undergarments, Underwear

內褲 Underwear

制服 Uniform

背心 Vest, Waistcoat

背褡 Vest

白裙 White dress

白袍 White gown

白色蕾絲睡袍 White lace nightgown

羊毛褲 Wool Trousers


破鞋 Battered shoes, Scuffed shoes

靴跟 Boot heel

靴子 Boots

帆布鞋 Canvas shoes

帆布便鞋 Canvas shoes, Canvas slippers, Espadrille

布鞋 Cloth shoes

免費拖鞋 Free slippers

套鞋 Galoshes, Overboots

膠鞋 Galoshes, Rubber boots

皮靴 Leather boots

皮鞋 Leather shoes

擦皮鞋 Polish shoes, Shine shoes

雨鞋 Rain Boots, Rubber boots

脫鞋 Remove shoes

馬靴 Riding boots

涼鞋 Sandal

鞋帶 Shoelace

鞋子 Shoes

拖鞋 Slippers

球鞋 Sneakers

這雙鞋子 This pair of shoes

沒穿鞋 Wasn't wearing shoes


米色 Beige

黑色的 Black

黑黑 Black

黑色 Black

黑亮 Black and glossy

血紅 Blood red

血紅的 Blood red

藍色 Blue

藍藍 Blue

亮粉紅 Bright pink

古銅色 Bronze, Copper Colored

棕色 Brown

褐褐 Brown

褐色 Brown

碳色 Charcoal color

咖啡色 Coffee colored, brown

銅色 Copper Colour

乳白顏色 Cream-color

暗色 Dark

深色的 Dark Coloured

暗綠色 Dark Green

鼠灰色 Dark Grey, Mouse Gray

黑灰色 Dark grey

深灰 Deep-gray

各色 Every Colour

火紅色 Fire colored

膚色 Flesh Color, Flesh Tones, Skin Colour

金色 Gold Colour

灰色 Gray

淡銀色的 Gray, Light Silver

灰黑 Gray-black

灰粉紅色 Grayish-pink

綠色的 Green

綠色 Green

翠綠的 Green

翠綠 Green

青青 Green

綠綠的 Green

綠綠 Green

卡其色 Khaki

淡紫色 Lavender Colour

淺粉紅色 Light Pink

淡藍色 Light blue, Pastel blue

赭紅 Ocher red

橙色的 Orange

橘色 Orange

橘紅色 Orange Colour

淺色 Pale Coloured

紫色 Purple

紫色的 Purple

紅色 Red

紅紅 Red

紅紅褐褐 Red-brown

紅褐 Reddish brown

鮭魚顏色 Salmon-colored

銀色 Silver Colour

鋼鐵藍 Steel-blue

土耳其玉 Turquoise

白色 White

白色的 White

白白的 White

黃色 Yellow

黃色的 Yellow

黃黃 Yellow


非洲 Africa

亞洲 Asia

歐洲 Europe

北美 North America


俄國 Russia


黑臀舞 Black Bottom

查爾斯頓舞 Charleston

電子滑步 Electric slide

搖擺舞 Lindy

小步舞 Minuet

華爾滋 Waltz


乙太號 Aether

奇美拉號 Chimera

切努克號 Chinook

永續號 Endurance

愛麗絲號 Iris Probe

拓荒者號 Pathfinder probe

序號 Serial number

十號 Ten

緬因號 USS Maine

薩拉托加號 USS Saratoga


加速器 Accelerator

聲耦合器 Acoustic coupling device

警報器 Alarm

交流發電機 Alternator

儀器 Apparatus, Equipment

核反應爐 Atomic reactor

充電器 Battery recharger

瀏覽器 Browser

內在計時器 Built in timer

防盜警報器 Burglar alarm

計算機 Calculator

記錄器 Camera

離心分離機 Centrifuge

碟形訊號接收器 Communications dish

通訊器材 Communications equipment

訊號接收器 Communications receiver, Receiver

複式顯微鏡 Compound microscope

臺伺服器 Computer network device, Server

冷凝器 Condenser

傳導器 Connecting device

操控器 Controller

燒錄機 DVD burner

牙醫器材 Dental tool

探測器 Detector, Probe, Surveying equipment

偵測器 Detector

機器 Device

器件 Device

數位電腦 Digital computer

硬盤 Disk drive

螢幕 Display, Monitor

電器 Electricical equipment

電子顯微鏡 Electron microscope

電子儀器 Electronic equipment

器材 Equipment

擠壓器 Extruder

過濾器 Filter

滅火器 Fire extinguisher

磁盤 Floppy disk

一般型計算機 General purpose calculator

產生器 Generator

陀螺儀 Gyroscope

平視顯示器 HUD, Heads Up Display

硬碟 Hard drive

照明器 Illumination device

影像感測器 Image sensor

影像穩定器 Image stabilizer

離子引擎 Ion engine

鍵盤 Keyboard

筆電 Laptop computer

雷射器 Laser

發射器 Launcher

鏡頭影像穩定器 Lens image stabilizer

維生系統 Life support system

燈泡 Light bulb

輕型推進器 Light thrusters

機器臂 Manipulator, Manipulator arm, Mechanical arm, Robot arm

機器手臂 Manipulator arm, Mechanical arm

機械計算機 Mechanical calculator

機械 Mechanical device

機器玩意 Mechanical device

操縱器 Mechanical manipulator

機械懷錶 Mechanical pocket watch

機制 Mechanism

分子器件 Molecular device, Molecular widget

顯示器 Monitor

監測器 Monitor, Monitoring device, Sensor, Tracker

監視器 Monitor, Surveillance device

滑鼠 Mouse

播放器 Movie player

倍增器 Multiplier, a type of electronic component

神經傳導器 Neural interface

平板電腦 Notepad computer, Tablet computer

核能反應爐 Nuclear reactor

製氧機 Oxygen producing machine, Oxygenator

粒子加速器 Particle accelerator

行步動力器 Pedomotive, Robotic walking assist device, Walker

現象鏡 Phenomenoscope

懷錶 Pocket watch

電位器 Potentiometer

壓力感測器 Pressure sensor

打印機 Printer

處理器 Processor

投影 Projector

推進器 Propulsion device

無線電波望遠鏡 Radio telescope

讀寫機器 Read and write machinery

接收器 Receiver (e.g. radio receiver)

遙感儀器 Remote sensor

機器馬 Robot horse

衛星天線 Satellite dish

衛星迅號接受器 Satellite dish

感測器 Scanner, Sensor

掃描器 Scanner

清道夫裝置 Scavenger

科學型計算機 Scientific calculator

傳感器 Sensor

感應器 Sensors

服務器 Server

縫紉機 Sewing machine

訊號發射器 Signal transmission device, Transmitter

聚光燈 Spotlight

穩定器 Stabilizer

蒸汽產生器 Steam generator

聽診器 Stethoscope

手寫筆 Stylus

潛艇探測器 Submarine detector

隨身碟 Thumb drive, USB drive

計時器 Timer

器具 Tool

的追蹤器 Tracking device

追蹤器 Tracking device

發送器 Transmitter

器皿 Utensil

錄影機 VCR, Video player

攝影機 Video camera

觀景器 Viewfinder

景器 Viewfinder

淨水器 Water purifier

輪椅 Wheel chair


酒精燈 Alcohol burner

器材或設備 Apparatus or equipment

燒杯 Beaker

燈罩蓋 Burner cover

夾持 Clamp

錐形瓶 Conical flask

燃燒匙 Deflagrating spoon

鐵環 Iron ring

打火機 Lighter

鐵夾 Metal clamp

鐵架 Metal stand

研缽 Mortar

研缽及杵 Mortar and pestle

試管 Test tube

夾持試管 Test tube clamp

廣用夾 Universal clamp

錶玻璃 Watch glass


核焰 Atomic Breath (Godzilla)

爆炸筆 Exploding pen

爆裂物 Explosive device

核彈 Nuclear bomb

核武器 Nuclear weapon

武器投擲 Throwing weapon

計時器核彈 Timer equipped Nuclear bomb

武器 Weapon

器械 Weapon

武器系統 Weapon system


喝不了 Can't drink

喝醉的 Drunk

喝醉了 Drunk

喝的太醉 Too drunk


卡通 Cartoon

功夫片 Kung Fu Film


芝麻街 Sesame Street

芝麻街的 Sesame street's

飆風不歸路 Sons Of Anarchy


啞鈴 Dumbells

划船機 Rowing machine

踏步機 Step machine


二十四式 24 Style

起勢 Beginning (Or Opening)

雙峰貫耳 Both Fists Pierce Ears

收勢 Closing Form

雲手 Cloud Hands

十字手 Cross Hands

閃通臂 Fan Open Arms

掤履擠按 Grap Sparrows Tail (Ward Off

攬雀尾履擠按 Grasp Sparrows Tail (Roll Back

高探馬 High On Horse Back

左右摟膝拗步 Left And Right Brush Knee Twist Step

左右倒卷肱 Left And Right Moving Backwards Roll Forearms

左右穿梭 Left And Right Piercing Palm, Weaving Left And Right

左右野馬分鬃 Left And Right Wild Horse Parts Mane

左攬雀尾掤 Left Grasp Sparrow's Tail Ward Off

左攬雀尾 Left Grasp Sparrows Tail

左下勢獨立 Left Low Form To Standing On One Leg

提手 Lift Hands

手揮琵琶 Lift Hands Play Guitar

海底針 Needle To Sea Bottom

預備勢 Preparation

右攬雀尾 Right Grasp Sparrows Tail

右蹬腳 Right Heel Kick

右下勢獨立 Right Low Form To Standing On One Leg

單鞭 Single Whip

轉身搬攔捶 Turn Body And Present Flowers And Strike

轉身左蹬腳 Turn Body Left Heel Kick

白鶴亮翅 White Crane Spreads Wings

如封似閉 Withdraw And Push


下犬式 Adho Muka Svanasana, Downward Dog

伏犬式 Adho Muka Svanasana, Downward Dog

低弓步式 Anjaneyasana, Low Bow Pose, Low Lunge

半蓮花橋式 Ardha Baddha Padma Bandhasana, Half Lotus Bridge Pose

半蓮花樹式 Ardha Baddha Padma Vrksasana, Half Lotus Tree Pose

半月式 Ardha Chandrasana, Half Moon Pose

半全弓式 Ardha Dhanurasana, Half Bow Pose

半船式 Ardha Navasana, Half Boat Pose

半蓮花前彎式 Ardha Padma Paschimottanasana, Half Lotus Forward Bend Pose

後仰姿勢 Back-Bending Posture

後仰式 Back-Bending Posture

束角式 Baddha Konasana, Bound Angle Pose, Butterfly

蝴蝶式 Baddha Konasana, Bound Angle Pose, Butterfly Pose

烏鴉式 Bakasana, Crow Pose

鳥鴉式 Bakasana, Crow Pose, Heron Pose

兒童式 Balasana, Child's Pose

嬰兒式 Balasana, Child's Pose

嬰孩式 Balasana, Child's Pose

嬰兒式休息 Balasana, Resting Child's Pose

腹式呼吸 Belly Breathing

風箱式 Bhastrika, Wind Box Style Breathing

眼鏡蛇第一式 Bhujangasana, Cobra 1

眼鏡蛇式 Bhujangasana, Cobra

貓式 Bidalasana, Cat Pose

船式 Boat Pose, Navasana

弓式 Bow Pose, Dhanurasana

弓箭式 Bow Pose, Dhanurasana

駝式 Camel Pose, Ustrasana

駱駝式 Camel Pose, Ustrasana

幻椅式 Chair Pose, Utkatasana

輪式 Chakrasana, Wheel Pose

四肢支撐式 Chatarunga, Four Legged Plank Pose

支撐式 Chatarunga, Four Legged Plank Pose

屍體式 Corpse Pose, Shivasana

仰臥式 Corpse Pose, Lie Supine, Sivasana

手杖式 Dandasana, Staff Pose

海豚式 Dolphin Pose

站立輪式 Drop Back, Standing Wheel Pose

雙腳內收直棍式 Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana, Inverted Two Legged Staff Pose

鷹式的手臂 Eagle Arms

鷹式 Eagle Pose, Garudasana

單腿祛風式 Eka Pada Pavana Muktasana, Single Leg Wind Relieving Pose, Wind Relieving Pose

鵒式 Eka Pada Rajakapotasana, Pigeon Pose

單腳碰頭式 Eka Pada Sirsasana, One Leg Behind The Head Pose

魚式 Fish Pose, Matsyasana

前彎式 Forward Bend, Paschimottanasana

加強側伸展式 Front Triangle Pose, Intense Side Stretch, Parsvottanasana, Reverse Prayer Pose

身軀轉動 Full Body Twist

門閂式 Gate Pose, Paraghasana

鋤式 Halasana, Plough Pose

犁式 Halasana, Plough Pose

犁鋤式 Halasana, Plough Pose

壓掌前彎式 Hands Beneath Feet Standing Forward Bend, Padahastasana

頭碰膝前屈伸展式 Head To Knee Pose, Janusirsasana

頭碰膝式 Head To The Knee Pose, Janusirsasana

頭立式 Headstand, Sirsasana

準備頭倒立式 Headstand Prep, Sirsasana

頭倒立式 Headstand Sirsasana

英雄式 Hero Pose, Virasana

握腳趾彎式 Holding Big Toes Standing Forward Bend, Padangusthasana

單膝單腳式 Horse Face Pose, Vatyanasana

龜式 Kurmasana, Turtle Pose

靠牆倒臥式 Legs Up The Wall Pose, Viparita Karani

蝗蟲式 Locust Pose, Shalabasana

舞王式 Lord Of The Dance Pose, Natarajasana

聖哲馬里奇三式 Marichyasana 3

像山式 Mountain Pose

山式 Mountain Pose

孔雀式 Open Feathers Peacock Pose, Pincha Mayurasana

蓮花孔雀式 Padma Mayurasana, Peacock Pose With Legs In Lotus

側式烏鴉式 Parsva Bakasana, Side Crow Pose

臥扭轉放鬆式 Parsva Sukhasana, Reclining Easy Twist

三角側 Parsvokonasana, Side Angle Pose

雙腿坐式體前屈式 Paschimottanasana, Seated Forward Bend

祛風式 Pavana Muktasana, Wind Relieving Pose

平板式 Plank Pose

雙角式 Prasaritta Padottanasana, Wide Leg Standing Forward Bend

扭轉雙角式 Privrtta Prasaritta Padottanasana, Twisting Wide Leg Pose

金字塔扭轉伸展式 Privrtta Prasaritta Padottanasana, Wide Leg Standing Twist

三角扭轉伸展式 Privrtta Trikonasana, Revolving Triangle Pose

青犬式 Puppy Dog Pose, Uttana Shishosana

臥倚腳尖式 Reclining Big Toe Pose, Supta Padangusthasana

臥束角式 Reclining Bound Angle Pose, Reclining Butterfly, Supta Baddha

臥英雄式 Reclining Hero Pose, Supta Virasana

休息式 Resting Pose, Sivasana

肩倒立式 Salamba Sarvangasana, Shoulder Stand Inversion

肩立式 Salamba Sarvangasana, Shoulder Stand

蠍子式 Scorpion Pose, Vrschikasana

角坐式 Seated Wide Leg Forward Bend, Upavista Konasana

二郎腿 Sit Cross Legged

站立伸展式 Standing Forward Bend

站立前彎式 Standing Forward Bend, Uttanasana

踮腳式 Standing On Tip Toes

拜日式 Sun Salutation(S), Surya Namaskara

上伸腿式 Supine Legs In The Air, Urdhva Prasrita Padasana

後仰支架式 Table Top Pose

樹式 Tree Pose, Vrksasana

三角式 Triangle Pose, Trikonasana

三角伸 Triangle Pose, Utthitta Trikonasana

扭轉式 Twisting Pose

上犬式 Upward Facing Dog, Urdhva Muka Svanasana

上輪式 Upward Facing Wheel Pose, Urdhva Dhanurasana

戰士第一式 Virabhadrasana 1, Warrior 1

戰士第二式 Virabhadrasana 2, Warrior 2


阿姨 Aunt

姨媽 Aunt

姑姑 Aunt

大媽 Aunty, Father's older brother's wife

大哥 Big brother

大姐 Big sister

弟兄 Brother

兄弟 Brothers

兄弟姐妹 Brothers and Sisters

父親 Father

爸爸 Father

公公 Father, Grandfather

父女 Father and daughter

父子 Father and son

祖父 Grandfather

姑婆 Grandfather's sister

祖母 Grandmother

阿婆 Grandmother

老婆婆 Granny

外曾祖母 Great grandmother

婆婆 Husband's mother

小弟 Little brother

外公 Maternal grandfather

外婆 Maternal grandmother

媽媽 Mother

母親 Mother

母女 Mother and daughter

爸媽 Mother and father

母子 Mother and son

岳母 Mother-in-law

哥哥 Older brother

姐姐 Older sister

姊姊 Older sister, Sister

二親 Parents

父母 Parents

父母親 Parents

妹妹 Sister, Younger sister

大嫂 Sister

嫂子 Sister-in-law

姐妹 Sisters

姊妹 Sisters (also zi mei)

後母 Stepmother

叔叔 Uncle

伯伯 Uncle

大爺 Uncle

弟弟 Younger brother


小辣 A little bit hot, A little bit spicy

小蘇打粉 Baking soda

豆芽菜 Bean sprouts

豆子 Beans

比利時鬆餅 Belgian waffles

苦腸 Bitter sausage

燙空心菜 Boiled Kong Xin Cai

湯豆芽菜 Boiled bean sprouts

燙菠菜 Boiled spinach

燙地瓜葉 Boiled sweet potato leaves

麥香 Breaded and fried

早餐 Breakfast

薄荷糖 Breath Mint, Mint, Mint Flavored Candy Or Chocolate

商業午餐 Business lunch

穀片 Cereal, Granola

紅辣椒 Chilli Pepper, Red Pepper

涼拌類 Cold dishes

玉米片 Cornflakes

蟹肉 Crab Meat

脆薯條 Crispy French Fries

柿餅 Dried Persimmon, Persimmon Cake

水餃 Dumplings

湯圓 Dumplings

蛋捲 Egg Roll, Egg Wrap

肥豬肉 Fatty pork

麵粉 Flour

食物 Food

幸運餅乾 Fortune cookie

薯條 French fries

果菜 Fruit And Vegetables

大蒜 Garlic

杏仁粒 Ground Almonds

蛋堡 Hamburger Bun With Egg

可樂餅 Hashbrown, Potato Croquette

薯餅 Hashbrown, Potato Cake

熱食類 Hot Dishes (Food)

熱食 Hot Food

酸辣 Hot and sour (flavor)

冰淇淋 Ice Cream

腸套腸 Intestines

炸涼圓 Jellied Meatballs That Are Fried Then Cooled

千層麵 Lasagna

瘦豬肉 Lean pork

皮蛋 Lime Preserved Eggs

蓮子 Lotus Seed

午飯 Lunch

魯貢丸蛋 Marinated egg

飯菜 Meal

貢丸 Meat balls

中辣 Medium hot (spicy)

瓜果 Melons And Fruits

肉燥飯 Minced meat on rice

蘑菇 Mushroom

不添加防腐劑 No added preservatives

核果 Nut

堅果 Nuts

老薑 Old ginger

花生 Peanut

開心果 Pistachio

田園 Ploughman's Style

蔥豬 Pork And Onions (Onions And Pork)

鍋貼 Pot stickers

馬鈴薯總匯 Potato Quiche

薯片 Potato chips

防腐劑 Preservative, Preservatives

蘿蔔糕 Radish Cake

葡萄乾 Raisins

烤類 Roasted Dishes

迷迭香 Rosemary

沙拉 Salad

海味 Seafood flavored

芝麻 Sesame Seed

刨冰 Shaved ice

薑絲 Shredded ginger

蝦仁 Shrimp

鮮蝦 Shrimp

小菜類 Side dishes

雲南大薄片 Sliced Pork Head Skin

微辣 Slightly hot (spicy)

菠菜 Spinach

春捲 Spring Rolls

花枝 Squid Ring

清蒸 Steamed

饅頭 Steamed buns

燉菜 Stew

壽司 Sushi

蕃薯 Sweet potato

地瓜葉 Sweet potato leaves

擔仔麵 Ta-a Mi

擔仔湯麵 Ta-a noodle soup

擔仔乾麵 Ta-a noodles

擔仔湯米粉 Ta-a rice noodle soup

擔仔乾米粉 Ta-a rice noodles

仙草冰 Taiwanese style desert

芋圓 Taro Balls

魯蛋米粉 Tea egg with rice noodles

泰式 Thai style

吐司 Toast

土司 Toast

豆皮 Tofu Skin

豆皮海鮮捲 Tofu Skin Wrapped Fresh Seafood

松露 Truffle

大辣 Very hot (spicy)

鬆餅 Waffles

菱荇 Water Chestnuts

銀耳 White Mushroom

田園野菇 Wild Mushroom

冬瓜糖 Winter Melon Candy

餛飩 Wonton

雲味 Yunnan style


杏仁粿 Almond Cake

麥麩鬆糕 Bran Muffin

麵包 Bread

蛋糕 Cake

可頌 Croissant

麵餅 Crumpet

薄餅 Flat Bread

法式麵包 French Bread

漢堡 Hamburger bun

帕里尼 Panini

鹹派 Quiche

烤麵包 Toast

麵食 Wheat products

白麵包 White bread


漢堡 Burger, Burgers, Hamburger, Hamburgers

起司漢堡 Cheeseburger

紐奧良嫩雞堡 New Orleans Style Chicken Burger


綠咖哩牛肉 Beef green curry, Green Curry With Beef

馬沙曼咖哩牛肉 Beef masaman curry, Masaman Curry With Beef

紅咖哩牛肉 Beef red curry, Red Curry With Beef

綠咖哩雞肉 Chicken green curry, Green Curry With Chicken

馬沙曼咖哩雞肉 Chicken masaman curry, Masaman Curry With Chicken

紅咖哩雞肉 Chicken red curry, Red Curry With Chicken

咖哩 Curry

咖哩類 Curry Dishes

香煎雞腿咖哩飯 Fried leg of chicken curry rice

綠咖哩 Green Curry

綠咖哩鮮蝦 Green Curry With Shrimp, Shrimp green curry

馬沙曼咖哩 Masaman Curry

豬排咖哩飯 Pork Curry With Rice

紅咖哩 Red Curry

紅咖哩鮮蝦 Red Curry With Shrimp, Shrimp red curry

黃咖哩 Yellow Curry

黃咖哩炒蝦 Yellow Curry With Fried Shrimp


起士 Cheese

起司 Cheese

乾酪 Cheese

乳酪 Cheese, Milk Curds

起司片 Cheese Slices, Slice Of Cheese, Sliced Cheese

優酪乳 Yoghurt

優格 Yoghurt

酸奶 Yogurt


起司蛋糕 Cheese cake

慢熟乳酪 Cheesecake

口香糖 Chewing Gum

巧克力 Chocolate

棉花糖 Cotton Candy

綿花糖 Cotton Candy

烤布蕾 Crème Brulee

甜點 Desserts

八寶冰 Eight Treasures Shaved Ice Dessert

法式甜點 French Style Desserts

漏斗蛋糕 Funnel Cake

麻糬 Japanese dessert dumpling

月餅 Moon Cake

冰棒 Popsicle

紅豆冰 Red Bean Ice

太妃 Toffee


雞蛋 Egg

荷包蛋 Fried Egg

煎蛋 Fried Egg

蔥花蛋 Fried Egg With Green Onion

漢堡蛋 Hamburger (bun) with egg

滑蛋 Scrambled Egg

舒芙蕾 Souffle


什錦海鮮 Assorted Seafood

酸辣香酥鱸魚 Crispy Hot And Sour Sea Bass

酸辣旗魚酥 Crispy Hot And Sour Swordfish

酥炸鯛魚芒果沙拉 Crispy Snapper And Mango Salad

檸檬鮮蝦 Fresh Lemon Shrimp

金錢蝦餅 Golden (Fried) Shrimp Cakes

打拋什錦海鮮 Minced Assorted Seafood

生蝦 Raw Shrimp

酸枳醬鱸魚 Sea Bass In Sour Orange Sauce

蝦球 Shrimp Ball

蝦餅 Shrimp Cake

月亮蝦餅 Shrimp Moon Cakes

燻鮭魚 Smoked Salmon

辣炒花枝 Spicy Fried Squid Rings

清蒸檸檬鱈魚 Steamed Lemon Cod

蒸檸檬鱸魚 Steamed Lemon Sea Bass

清蒸檸檬鱸魚飯半尾 Steamed Tail Of Lemon Sea Bass

清蒸檸檬鱸魚 Steamed lemon sea bass

泰式旗魚酥 Thai Style Crispy Swordfish

泰式海鮮餅 Thai Style Fresh Seafood


杏果 Almond

巴薩米克 Balsamic

巴薩米克油醋醬 Balsamic Vinaigrette

黠椒 Black Pepper

凱薩醬 Caesar Salad Dressing

墨西哥西南醬 Chipotle Southwest Sauce

肉桂 Cinnamon

香菜 Corriander, Parsley

蒜泥 Garlic paste

肉泥 Gravy

榛果 Hazelnut

蜂蜜芥末醬 Honey Mustard Dressing

義大利油醋醬 Italian Style Vinaigrette

和風醬 Japanese Style Dressing

檸檬角 Lemon Wedge

蛋黃醬 Mayonnaise

美乃滋 Mayonnaise

芥末 Mustard, Wasabi

橄欖油 Olive Oil

椒麻 Paprika

花生醬 Peanut Butter

紅酒醋醬 Red Wine Vinaigrette

莎莎醬 Salsa Sauce

醬料 Sauce

蝦醬 Shrimp Sauce

酸枳醬 Sour Orange Sauce

醬油 Soy Sauce

奶酥 Sweet Butter

甜蔥醬 Sweet Onion Sauce

糖醋 Sweet and sour sauce

千島醬 Thousand Island Dressing

油醋 Vinaigrette

油醋醬 Vinaigrette

五印醋 Wuyin vinegar

黃芥末 Yellow Mustard


香蕉草莓 Banana-Strawberry

黑糖 Brown Sugar

焦糖 Caramel

櫻桃果醬 Cherry jam

巧克力醬 Chocolate Sauce

巧克力香蕉 Chocolate-Banana

蜂蜜 Honey

果醬 Jam

糖粉 Powdered Sugar

草莓果醬 Strawberry Jam

糖漿 Syrup

香草 Vanilla


蘋果 Apple

酪梨 Avocado

香蕉 Banana

牛番茄 Beefsteak Tomato, Beefsteak tomatoes

莓果 Berry

藍莓 Blueberry

蔓越莓 Cranberry

水果 Fruit

果實 Fruit

果子 Fruit

果肉 Fruit pulp

西柚 Grapefruit

葡萄 Grapes

青木瓜 Green Papaya

芭樂 Guava

金桔 Kumquat

芒果 Mango

橄欖 Olive

柳橙 Orange

橘子 Orange

有機莓果 Organic Berries

木瓜 Papaya

百香果 Passion Fruit

桃子 Peach

鳳梨 Pineapple

梅子 Plum

葡萄柚 Pomello

草莓 Strawberry

草苺 Strawberry

蕃茄 Tomato

西紅柿 Tomato

番茄 Tomato

西瓜 Watermelon

整顆莓果 Whole Berries


澱粉 Starch

澱粉糊 Starch paste

餡料 Stuffing

蕃薯澱粉 Sweet potato starch


澳洲牛肉 Australian Beef

培根 Bacon

烤肉 Barbecued Meat, Kebab, Roast Meat

牛肉 Beef

黑香腸 Black Sausage

雞肉 Chicken

雞腿肉 Chicken Leg Meat

煎培根 Fried Bacon

炸無骨雞排 Fried Boneless Chicken

煎火腿 Fried Ham

卡啦雞腿 Fried breaded chicken

香雞 Fried chicken

炸豬排 Fried pork strips

香燻雞排 Fried smoked chicken strips

德式香腸 German Style Sausage

火腿 Ham

羊肉 Lamb, Mutton

檸檬雞腿 Lemon Leg Of Chicken

檸檬豬排 Lemon Pork Strips

絞肉 Minced Meat

打拋豬肉 Minced Pork

慕尼黑香腸 Munich Black Sausage

椒麻雞 Paprika Chicken

豬肉 Pork

豬肉片 Pork Cutlet

豬排 Pork Strips

燜燉牛肉 Pot roast

烤牛肉 Roast Beef

烤鴨 Roast Duck

烤肉起司蛋 Roasted meat with cheese and egg

烤肉片 Roasted slices of meat

沙爹串 Satay Skewers

香腸 Sausage

燻鴨 Smoked Duck

辣炒牛肉 Spicy Fried Beef

牛排 Steak

泰式烤牛肉 Thai Style Roast Beef

嫩雞 Young Chicken

雲味椒麻雞 Yunnan Style Paprika Chicken


素炒河粉 Fried Noodles

方便麵 Instant noodles

麵條 Noodles

麵條兒 Noodles

泰式炒河粉 Pad Thai Noodles

河粉 Rice Noodles


牛肉燴飯 Beef Risotto

黑米 Black Rice

雞飯 Chicken Rice

熟飯 Cooked Rice

素炒飯 Fried Rice

炒飯 Fried Rice

檸檬雞腿飯 Lemon Leg Of Chicken Rice

檸檬豬排飯 Lemon Pork Rice

滷肉飯 Marinated pork on rice

打拋豬肉飯 Minced Pork And Rice

鳳梨炒飯 Pineapple Fried Rice

燴飯 Risotto

鹹魚飯 Salty Fish And Rice

蝦仁炒飯 Shrimp Fried Rice

泰式雞肉燴飯 Thai Style Chicken Risotto

白飯 White Rice (Cooked)

雲味椒麻雞飯 Yunnan Style Paprika Chicken And Rice


黠椒凱薩雞肉沙拉 Black Pepper Chicken Caesar Salad

青木瓜沙拉 Green Papaya Salad

芒果沙拉 Mango Salad

鳳梨蝦球沙拉 Pineapple And Shrimp Ball Salad

豬肉沙拉 Pork Salad

薯泥生菜沙拉 Potato salad

涼拌皮蛋 Preserved Egg Salad

涼拌烤牛肉 Roast Beef Salad

涼拌 Salad

涼拌海鮮 Seafood Salad

涼拌生蝦 Shrimp Salad

涼拌燻鮭魚 Smoked Salmon Salad

涼拌花枝 Squid Ring Salad

泰式青木瓜沙拉 Thai Style Papaya Salad

泰北豬肉沙拉 Thai Style Pork Salad


野夫總匯 Club (As In Club Sandwich)

塔塔香雞三明治 Fried Chicken With Tartar Sauce Sandwich

半個花生醬三明治 Half A Peanut Butter Sandwich

花生醬三明治 Peanut Butter Sandwich

南瓜田園三明治 Ploughman's Style Squash Sandwich

三明治 Sandwich

蝦排蛋三明治 Shrimp And Egg Sandwich

鮪魚起司三明治 Tuna and cheese sandwich, Tuna melt


羅宋湯 Borscht

椰奶鮮雞湯 Coconut Milk Soup With Fresh Chicken

椰奶鮮蝦湯 Coconut Milk Soup With Fresh Shrimp

蟹肉玉米濃湯 Crab Meat And Sweet Corn Chowder

玉米濃湯 Cream Of Corn Soup

酸辣鮮雞湯 Hot And Sour Chicken Soup

酸辣海鮮湯 Hot And Sour Seafood Soup

酸辣鮮蝦湯 Hot And Sour Shrimp Soup

高麗馬鈴薯豬骨湯 Korean Potato And Pork Bone Soup

桂花銀耳蓮子湯 Osmanthus White Mushroom And Lotus Seed Soup

豬骨湯 Pig Bone Soup

豬血湯 Pig's Blood Soup

薑絲鱸魚湯 Sea Bass Soup With Shredded Ginger

海味鮮雞湯 Seafood Flavored Chicken Soup

紫菜蛋花湯 Seaweed And Egg Soup

濃湯 Soup

湯類 Soups

湯品類 Soups

青菜蛋花湯 Vegetable And Egg Soup

南瓜濃湯 Yellow Squash Soup


洋白菜 Cabbage

蝦醬高麗菜 Cabbage In Shrimp Paste

紅蘿蔔 Carrot

龍鬚菜 Chayote Shoots

黃瓜 Cucumber

茄子 Eggplant

四季豆 Green Beans

蝦醬四季豆 Green Beans In Shrimp Paste

綠豆 Green bean

蝦醬空心菜 Greens With Shrimp Sauce Or Shrimp Paste

空心菜 Kong Xin Cai, a leafy vegetable with a hollow stem

洋蔥 Onion

土豆 Potato

馬鈴薯 Potatoes

南瓜 Pumpkin

清炒四季豆 Quick Fried Beans

清炒高麗菜 Quick Fried Cabbage

甜玉米 Sweet Corn

地瓜 Sweet Potato

芋頭 Taro

泰式高麗菜 Thai Style Cabbage

泰式龍鬚菜 Thai Style Chayote Shoots

泰式空心菜 Thai Style Greens

櫛瓜 Zucchini


一張床 A bed

一張讀書用的椅子 A chair for reading

牀鋪 Bed

床鋪 Bed

小床 Bed, Small bed

牀架 Bed frame

床架 Bed frame

牀頭燈 Bedside lamp

床頭燈 Bedside lamp

撞球檯 Billiard table

書架 Bookshelf

書櫃 Bookshelf

椅子 Chair

沙發 Couch

書桌 Desk

桌子 Desk, Table

餐桌 Dinner table, Table

雙人床 Double bed, Two person bed

折疊床 Folding bed

雙人沙發 Love-seat

牀墊 Mattress

牀褥子 Mattress

褥子 Mattress

床墊 Mattress

墊子 Mattress

架子 Shelf

小桌 Small table

立桌 Standing table


商朝的諸侯之一 A vassal of the Shang Court

行政區劃 Administrative divisions

周人克商後 After defeating Shang 商, Zhou 周 then

晉以後 After the Jin dynasty

周王東遷後 After the King of Zhou moved east

大航海時代 Age of discovery

古代中國 Ancient China

古代中國以天干與地支的組合來紀年 Ancient China used the combination of heavenly stems and earthly branches to record the year

與商有許多的交流 And had many exchanges with Shang 商

英法聯 Anglo-French alliance

發生武裝衝突 Armed conflict occurred

重視學習經學 Attached great importance to the study of the classics

卑南文化 Beinan culture, a culture of the Taiwan late neolithic age

漸被世族壟斷之弊 Being gradually corrupted through monopolization by the aristocracy

加強中央集權 Bolster Centralization

設電報線並遠及福州 Built a telegraph line as far as Fuzhou

到了一九世紀末 By the end of the nineteenth century

受到漢人保護 Came under the protection of Han Chinese

樟腦出口 Camphor exports

樹齡上千年的樟樹 Camphor trees that are over a thousand years old

樟腦的重要性 Camphor's importance

樟腦的重要性才逐漸被取代 Camphor's importance was gradually supplanted

曹魏 Cao Wei

中央官學教育 Central Government Education

中央官 Central government

沈葆楨 Chen Baozhen, a Qing dynasty official

承明 Cheng Ming Hall (used as research academy during Han Dynasty)

衝突愈來愈激烈 Clashes become increasingly more violent

儒家經學 Confucian classics

孔子的主張 Confucius' main ideas

鞏固帝國統治 Consolidate Imperial Rule

不斷向東建立新封國 Continuing to the east, they established new Fiefdoms

被世族壟斷之弊 Corrupted through monopolization by the aristocracy

購得的樟腦成本 Cost of buying camphor

購得的樟腦成本上升 Cost of buying camphor is increasing

郡下設縣 Counties were set up below prefectures

栽培 Cultivate

道光 Daoguan, seventh emperor of the Qing dynasty from 1820 to 1850

大坌坑文化 Dapenkeng culture, a northern Taiwan culture of the Neolithic age

打敗商 Defeated the Shang

杜甫 Du Fu (Tang Dynasty Poet)

秦孝公 Duke Xiao of Qin, A Ruler of the Qin during the Warring States period

清末光緒年間 During the Guangxu period of the late Qing Dynasty

清帝國統治時期 During the Qing Dynasty

早期的國家統治 Early era state rule

東漢 Eastern Han

東晉 Eastern Jin

東吳 Eastern Wu

東周 Eastern Zhou

漢末選官 Election of officials in the late Han dynasty

漢惠 Emperor Han Hui

康熙皇帝 Emperor Kangxi, third emperor of the Qing dynasty

建立新封國 Establish new fiefdoms

建立周朝 Established the Zhou Dynasty

中央集權的建立 Establishment of centralized authority

國家行政體系的擴大 Expansion of the National Administrative System

面對新征服的廣大土地 Facing a vast 廣大 and newly conquered 征服 land

封建國家 Feudal state

早期國家的封建 Feudalism in the Early States

封國 Fiefdom

始皇帝 First Emperor

秦始皇 First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty

五代 Five Dynasties

五代十國 Five Dynasties and Ten Kindoms

從封建走向中央集權 From Feudalism to Centralism (From Distributed to Centralized Power)

商周到隋唐時期 From the Shang, Zhou, Sui and Tang dynasties

政府登記戶口 Government household registration

逐漸失去對各國的影響力 Gradually losing authority over other states

漢代 Han Dynasty

歷史紀錄 Historic record

歷史時代 Historical era

歷史解釋 Historical explanation

歷史分期 Historical period

周發 History

科舉 Imperial Examination

科舉制度 Imperial Examination System

帝國統治 Imperial rule

各級貴族可以使用的物品或舉辦的儀式 Items or rituals that can be used by each grade of nobility

牡丹社事件 Japanese invasion of Taiwan in 1874

踐土 Jiantu (Jin Wen Gong met there to pledge loyalty to the Zhou Dynasty)

嘉慶 Jiaqing, sixth emperor of the Qing dynasty from 1796 to 1820

清康熙 Kangxi, third emperor of the Qing dynasty

康熙 Kangxi, third emperor of the Qing dynasty from 1662 to 1722

商王 King Shang

周王 King Zhou

王都 King's capital

王邦 Kingdom

漢末 Late Han Dynasty

清末 Late Qing dynasty

新石器晚期代 Late neolithic age

奠定秦國富強的基礎 Laying a foundation for Qin to be prosperous and Strong

李白 Li Bi (Tang Dynasty Poet)

林爽文事件 Lin Shuangwen incident

林爽文 Lin Shuangwen, Rebel against Qing dynasty rule in Taiwan

劉銘傳 Liu Mingchuan, Qing dynasty governor of Taiwan

布射遼丸 Lu Bu (Skilled archer and General of the Eastern Han dynasty) and Yi Liao (a skillful juggler)

盧綸 Lu Lun, a poet of the middle Tang dynasty

維繫與列國的關係 Maintain 維繫 relationships with other countries

明朝 Ming dynasty

被世族壟斷 Monopolized or controlled by the aristocracy

走向中央集權 Moving towards centralized power

國家行政體系 National or State Administrative System

新石器時代 Neolithic age

新任周王 Newly appointed King of Zhou

新征服 Newly conquered

新征服的 Newly conquered

九個等第 Nine Ranks

九品官人 Nine ranks of Government Officialdom

九州 Nine states (euphemism for ancient China)

一九世紀 Nineteenth century

北朝 Northern Dynasty

北宋 Northern Song

官員多為貴族 Officials are mostly nobles or aristocrats

選拔官員管道之一 One of the channels for selecting officials

開墾荒地 Open up barren wasteland for farming

鴉片及紡織品 Opium and textiles

起源說 Origin theory

舊石器時代 Paleolithic age

被統治的人民 People not of the ruling class

日治時期 Period of Japanese occupation

在將領勸說下 Persuaded by generals

鍋京 Political center of the Western Zhou dynasty

戰後臺灣 Post war Taiwan

乾隆 Qianlong, fifth emperor of the Qing dynasty from 1735 to 1796

秦代 Qin Dynasty

秦國 Qin State

清帝國 Qing Empire

清廷的治臺政策 Qing court's policy for ruling Taiwan

清代 Qing dynasty

清廷 Qing dynasty

清朝 Qing dynasty

清軍 Qing dynasty soldiers

反清復明 Revolt against the Qing dynasty and restore the Ming dynasty

廣內 Royal Library during Han dynasty

選拔官員 Select officials

選官 Selection of officials

選拔人才 Selection of talented individuals

商朝 Shang Dynasty

商鞅 Shang Yang, Warring States period statesman, chancellor and reformer

商周 Shang and Zhou

位於黃河流域的商 Shang, located in the Yellow River valley

十三行 Shisanhang, a culture of the Taiwan metal age

蜀漢 Shu han

順治 Shunzhi

清法戰爭 Sino-French war

十六國 Sixteen Kingdoms

五胡十六國 Sixteen Kingdoms of the Five Barbarians

部分諸侯對周王不滿 Some princes 諸侯 where unhappy with the King of Zhou 周王

天子 Son of Heaven (Monarchical Title)

南朝 Southern Dynasty

春秋 Spring Autumn period

隋朝 Sui Dynasty

隋唐 Sui and Tang dynasties

支持大一統國家觀念 Support the concept of a unified country

茶糖樟腦 Tea, sugar, camphor

十國 Ten Kingdoms

皇帝的 The Emperor's

早期中國 The early era Chinese

早期的國家 The early era state

周人勢力經過長期發展 The influence of the People of Zhou 周人 developed over a long period of time

現在的國家 The modern day state

商人與周邊民族或國家的關係 The relationships between the people of Shang 商人 and neighboring nations 民族 or countries 國家

周的統治者 The ruler of Zhou

聯合外族攻陷王都 They united with foreigners to capture the capital

三國 Three Kingdoms

三縣 Three provinces

以血緣或婚姻的方式 Through bloodline (relations) 血緣 or marriage 婚姻

培養官吏 Training officials

從封建到中央集權的轉變 Transitioned from feudalism to centralized power

聯合許多國家打敗商 Uniting many countries, they defeated the Shang 商

以武力為後盾 Used force of arms for backup

值得兩個國家為它爆發戰爭 Valuable enough for two countries to go to war over it

大小不一的聚落 Various sized settlements

戰國 Warring States

魏晉南北朝 Wei and Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties

西漢 Western Han

西晉 Western Jin

西周 Western Zhou

歷史是什麼 What is history?

皇帝的年號 Year number during an emperor's reign

伊尹 Yi Yin

殷湯 Yin Tang (or Cheng Tang) established Shang dynasty after overthrowing the despot Jie of the Xia dynasty.

秦王嬴政 Yingzhen, King of Jin, the person who became the First Emperor of the Jin Dynasty

嬴政 Yingzheng, birth name of the First Emperor of the Jin Dynasty

雍正 Yongzhen, fourth emperor of the Qing dynasty from 1722 to 1735

圓山文化 Yuanshan culture, a culture of the Taiwan late neolithic age,

樂府 Yue fu

周朝 Zhao Dynasty

趙政 Zhaozhen, alternate name of the First Emeperor of the Jin Dynasty

秦王政 Zheng, King of Jin, the person who became the First Emperor of the Jin Dynasty

周代 Zhou Dynasty

周人 Zhou people

周位居商的西方 Zhou 周 was located to the west of Shang

朱一貴 Zhu Yigui

朱一貴事件 Zhu Yigui incident


聖誕節 Christmas

耶誕節 Christmas

端午節 Dragon boat festival

勞動節 Labour day

元宵節 Lantern Festival

中秋節 Mid-autumn festival

春節 Spring festival

感恩節 Thanksgiving

清明節 Tomb-sweeping day


目中無人 Arrogant

一舉兩得 Gain Two Objectives With A Single Act, Kill Two Birds With One Stone

一石二鳥 Kill Two Birds With One Stone

一本萬利 Large Returns From A Small Investment

一帆風順 May The Wind Fill Your Sails, May You Have Favourable Winds, Smooth Sailing

另眼相看 See From A Different Perspective And So Treat Differently Than Usual


阿拉伯語 Arabic language

華語 Chinese

漢語 Chinese

英語 English

法語 French

蓋爾語 Gaelic, Gaelige

日語 Japanese

國語 Mandarin

西班牙語 Spanish

台語 Taiwanese

臺灣話 Taiwanese


脣音 Labial Sounds

脣齒音 Labiodental Consonants


運動動詞 Action Verb

副詞 Adverb

聲母 Consonants

將來時 Future Tense

否定句 Negative Sentence

否定語氣詞 Negative Word Element

名詞 Noun

過去時 Past Tense

複數 Plural

表示地點的副詞 Positional Adverbs

謂語 Predicate

前置詞 Preposition

現在時 Present Tense

主語 Sentence Subject

單複 Singular

主體 Subject Of A Sentence

音節 Syllable

動詞 Verb

不定式的 Verb Infinitive

動詞過去時 Verb Past Tense

動詞的時 Verb Tenses

母音 Vowel

尾碼 Word Ending

詞末 Word Ending


機械挖掘 Excavator

磨床 Grinding machine


某數除以 A certain number divided by

甲除以乙 A divided by B

某數 A number

絕對值 Absolute value

絕對值符號 Absolute value symbol

加法 Addition

加減運算 Addition and subtraction

加號 Addition symbol, Plus symbol

代數式 Algebraic formula

次數為 Are of degree

正方形面積 Area of the square

算術 Arithmetic

四則運算 Arithmetic (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division)

等差數列 Arithmetic progression, Arithmetic sequence

升降冪排列 Arranging by ascending or descending powers

按照各項的次數 Based on each term's degree

計算並化簡 Calculate and simplify

計算化簡 Calculate and simplify

計算下列各根式 Calculate the following radicals

可因式分解成 Can be factored into

圓形直徑 Circular diameter

圓周長 Circumference

項係數 Coefficient

公差 Common difference

全等 Congruent

常數多項式 Constant polynomial

常數項 Constant term

坐標 Coordinates

三次式 Cubic

三次多項式 Cubic polynomial

小數 Decimal place

分解式 Decomposition

分母 Denominator

直徑 Diameter

差的平方公式 Difference Squared Formula

位數 Digit

分配律乘開 Distributive multiplication

分配律 Distributive property

分為 Divide

兩多項式相除 Divide two polynomials

相除 Divided

除以 Divided by

被除數 Dividend

被除式 Dividend

除法 Division

除號 Division symbol

除式 Divisor

各項的次數 Each term's degree

各項的次數高低 Each term's degree, from high to low

八倍 Eight times

等式 Equation

利用標準分解式求值 Evaluate using standard decomposition

利用分配律求值 Evaluating using the Distributive Law

利用和的平方公式求值 Evaluating using the Perfect Square Formula

倍式 Expanded form

因式 Factors

因數 Factors

五次項係數 Fifth order (quintic) coefficient

五次項 Fifth order term

求面積 Figure out the area

小數第一位 First decimal place

小數點後第一位 First decimal place

一次項係數 First order (linear) coefficient

一次項 First order term

一次多項式 First-order polynomial

一次式乘積 First-order product

算式 Formula

四倍 Four times

四次項係數 Fourth order (quartic) coefficient

四次項 Fourth order term

分之 Fractional number

最高次項 Highest order term

升冪排列 In order of ascending powers

降冪排列 In order of descending powers

文字符號 Indeterminate, Variable

整除 Integer division

單項式 Monomial

乘法 Multiplication

乘除運算 Multiplication and division

乘法公式 Multiplication formulas

乘號 Multiplication symbol

負數 Negative number

負平方根 Negative square root

數線 Number line

大於零的數 Numbers greater than zero

運算 Operate

原點 Origin

和的平方公式 Perfect Square Formula

完全平方數 Perfect square

平方公式因式分解 Perfect square factorization

周長 Perimeter

固定周長 Perimeter with a fixed length

多項式 Polynomial, Polynomials

多項式的加法 Polynomial addition

多項式的乘法與除法 Polynomial multiplication and division

多項式的減法 Polynomial subtraction

多項式的項 Polynomial terms

正向 Positive direction

正整數 Positive integer

正數 Positive number

正平方根 Positive square root

次方 Power

次方為 Power is

質數 Prime number

乘積 Product

畢氏定理 Pythagorean Theorem

二次式 Quadratic

二次式的因式分解 Quadratic factorization

二次多項式 Quadratic polynomial, quadratic expression

商式 Quotient

商為 Quotient is

根式 Radical

根式的運算 Radical operations

化簡根式 Radical simplification

等比 Ratio

餘數 Remainder

餘式 Remainder

餘數為 Remainder is

方根 Root

根號的數 Root of a number

根號 Root symbol

概數到 Round off to

四捨五入 Rounding

小數點後第二位 Second decimal place

二次項係數 Second order (quadratic) coefficient

二次項 Second order term

二次方根 Second power root

七倍 Seven times

短除法 Short division

為正方形面積與邊長的關係表 Shows the relationship between the area of a square and its side length

邊長 Side length

邊長為 Side length is

化簡 Simplify

六倍 Six times

平方數 Square number

平方根 Square root

平方根與近似值 Square root and approximate value

平方根與畢氏定理 Square roots and the Pythagorean Theorem

平方差公式 Squared Difference Formula

減法 Subtraction

總和 Sum

和或差的平方公式 Sum or difference squared formula

十倍 Ten times

常數項為 The constant term is

五次項係數為 The fifth order (quintic) coefficient is

一次項係數為 The first order (linear) coefficient is

四次項係數為 The fourth order (quartic) coefficient is

下面的做法 The method below

數與根式的乘積 The product of a number and a radical

正方形的面積與邊長的關係 The relationship between a square's area and side length

二次項係數為 The second order (quadratic) coefficient is

哪一數的平方 The square of which number

這個多項式各項分別為 The terms of this polynomial are

三次項係數為 The third order (cubic) coefficient is

三次項係數 Third order (cubic) coefficient

三次項 Third order term

此多項式 This polynomial

這個多項式 This polynomial

此多項式的次數為 This polynomial is of degree

兩個正方形 Two squares

用四捨五入法 Use rounding

利用和或差的平方公式 Using the sum squared or difference squared formula

用文字符號 Using the variable

當兩多項式相除時 While dividing two polynomials

絕對值符號內 Within the absolute value symbol


一束光線 A beam of light

入射角 Angle of incidence

反射角 Angle of reflection

折射角 Angle of refraction

凹透鏡 Concave lens

凹面鏡 Concave mirror

凸透鏡 Convex lens

凸面鏡 Convex mirror

色散 Dispersion

平面鏡 Flat mirror

焦距 Focal length

入射線 Incident line

反射定律 Law of reflection

透鏡 Lens

實像 Real image

光以直線傳播的理論 Rectilinear propagation of light theory

反射線 Reflected ray

折射 Refraction

光以直線傳播 Straight line propagation of light

虛像 Virtual image


軸流泵 Axial-flow pump

軸子 Axle

軸襯 Axle bushing

撓性聯軸節 Flexible coupling

軸承 Machinery bearing

剛性聯軸節 Rigid coupling

聯軸節 Shaft coupling

肘節 Toggle

肘接 Toggle joint

軸距 Wheelbase


手風琴 Accordion

大鼓 Big drum

鑼鼓 Drum

吉他 Guitar

洋琴 Piano

鋼琴 Piano

提琴 Violin


阿翰 A-han

阿浩 A-hao

艾伯拉德 Abelard

艾比蓋爾 Abigail

阿達 Ada

乙太 Aether

阿華 Ahua

艾琳 Ailin

艾伯特 Albert

亞歷山大 Alexander

亞力山大 Alexander

阿力 Ali

愛莉絲 Alice

艾里斯泰 Alistair

艾倫 Allen

艾莉 Allie

安迪 Andy

安琪 Angel

安妮塔 Anita

安娜 Anna

安妮 Annie

安東 Anton

安頓 Anton

艾普索波 Apthorp

阿米格 Armiger

艾斯裘 Askew

阿圖 Atu

亞佛加厥 Avogadro

巴貝拉 Barbara

巴索羅繆 Bartholomew

杯麵 Baymax

貝卡 Becca

蓓柔 Beryl

貝絲 Beth

貝瑟妮 Bethany

比利 Billy

貝摩爾 Bimmel

鮑伯 Bob

鮑比 Bobby

布爾 Boer

邦德 Bond

龐德 Bond

布萊德利 Bradley

布蘭德 Brand

布洛迪 Brody

布魯克納 Bruckner

巴克敏斯特 Buckminster

巴德 Bud

彪福 Buford

該隱 Cain

彩娜 Caina, China

卡拉漢 Callaghan

喀爾文 Calvin

肯恩 Cam

卡森 Carson

凱西 Casey

凱斯特倫 Castallan, Kestron

查爾斯 Charles

夏綠蒂 Charlotte

程憑 Chengping

切斯特 Chester

許凱 Chuquet

邱吉爾 Churchill

克勞森 Clausen

柯立芝 Coleridge

哥倫布 Columbus

孔子 Confucius

庫珀 Cooper

柯瑟納斯 Cothurnus, Korsenas

卡登 Cotton

克蘭默 Cranmore

庫基拉 Cu Gealach, short for Cú na Gealaí Duibhe, Hound of the Black Moon, Kukira

辛西雅 Cynthia

庫納基萊杜嘿 Cú na Gealaí Duibhe

道頓 Dalton

道爾頓 Dalton

道耳頓 Dalton

丹尼爾 Daniel

丹尼 Danny

達人 Darren

達爾文 Darwin

達文西 Darwin, Davinci

達斯克 Dasker, Dusk

大衛 David

道森 Dawson

迪恩 Deane

狄妮 Deenie

德爾文 Derwent

笛卡兒 Descartes

戴斯蒙 Desmond

迪克 Dick

狄克森 Dickson, Dixon

蒂亞戈 Diego

迪克西 Dixie

道爾 Doyle

卓克斯勒 Drexler

杜瑞克 Durig

艾吉利 Edgley

愛迪生 Edison

埃佛夏姆 Effersham

愛因斯坦 Einstein

伊莉莎白 Elizabeth

艾瑪 Emma

愛皮得迷失 Epidermis

尤真 Eugene

伊芙 Eve

法普 Fap, Fop

費莉絲蒂 Felicity

費曼 Fenyman

佛格斯 Fergus

芬柯 Finkle

薇恩娜 Fiona

費沙伯 Fitzpatrick

弗拉納根 Flannagan

費林 Flynn

福特 Ford

法蘭西絲 Frances

法蘭茲 Franz

芙蕾德莉卡 Frederika

費吉拉 Fredzilla

費里 Freeman

姓名 Full name

富勒 Fuller

蓋瑞 Gared, Gary

蓋瑞斯 Gareth

高斯 Gauss

喬第 Geordie

喬治 George

杰瑞 Gerry, Jerry

金妮 Ginny

哥斯拉 Godzilla

神行 Gogo

高德斯韋特 Goldthwait

鞏札羅 Gonzalo

戈登 Gordon

葛索 Gotha

格瑞哥 Greg, Gregory

格林 Grimm

格林兄弟 Grimm Brothers

葛理翰 Grisham

基爾特 Guild

郭明 Guo Ming

國偉 Guowei

琯德琳 Gwendolyn

海克華斯 Hackworth

海格 Haggard, Hagrid

哈洛倫 Hallorann

浩南 Haonan

哈蓮珍 Harlengen

哈里遜福特 Harrison Ford

哈維 Harv

哈維德 Harvard, Havid

隼人 Hayato

希斯克利夫 Heathcliff

海倫 Helen

赫本 Hepburn

大力士 Hercules

阿廣 Hiro

希特勒 Hitler

哈妮 Honey

哈妮蕾夢 Honey Lemon

虎克 Hook

霍瑞斯 Horace

赫爾 Hull

哈珊 Hussain

豬四郎 Ishiro

伊萬 Ivan

杰杰 J.J.

詹姆斯 James

珍妮 Janine, Jenny

潔西卡 Jessica

姜丙 Jianbing

家綺 Jiaqi

裘蒂 Jodie

喬韓森 Johanssen

約翰 John

強尼 Johnny

依霖 Jolin, Yilin

約瑟夫 Joseph

茱莉 Julie

朱庇特 Jupiter

卡拉 Kara, Karla

阿甘 Ken

金卡德 Kincade

金斯利 Kingsley

奇普 Kipp

格利 Krei

鄺明那 Kwamina

勞瑞 Laurie, Lowrey

拉瓦節 Lavoisier

拉撒路 Lazarus

雷尼 Lennie

路易斯 Lewis

露易斯 Lewis

萊福特 Lightfoot

小丹尼 Little Danny, Young Danny

小王 Little Wang

洛伊的 Lloyd

惡爵爺 Lord Vile

樂天 Lotte

小露 Lucy

麥金塔 Macintosh

麥克 Mack

麥肯奇 Mackenzie

馬洛裡 Mallory

馬洛利 Mallory

曼恩 Mann

曼威 Manuel

馬可士 Marcus

瑪格麗特 Margaret

馬克 Mark

瑪莎 Martha

馬丁 Martin

馬提尼茲 Martinez

梅西 Massey

馬祖 Matsu

麥西瑪斯 Maximus

麥可羅 McGraw

麥金利 Mcginley

美佳 Meijia

瑪麗莎 Melissa

梅麗莎 Melissa

莫可 Merkle

墨頓 Merton

梅佛倫 Mevolent

麥可 Mike

米勒 Miller

夢蘭達 Miranda

米區 Mitch

莫蘭 Moran

木蘭 Mulan

墨菲 Murphy

姓氏 Name, Surname

娜塔麗婭 Natalia

尼格利 Neagley

納非理 Nefarian

奈兒 Nell

奈洛蒂 Nellodee

諾曼 Norman

歐唐納 O'Donnell

歐米拉 O'Meara

歐德 Ode

維爾雷特 Ouellette

帕斯卡 Pascal

派崔斯 Patrice

帕崔斯 Patrice

派翠西亞 Patricia

波爾 Pearl

潘思 Pence

波西弗 Percival

彼得 Pete

彼得兔 Peter Rabbit

佩蒂 Petty

費哥 Philco

火弧離 PhyrePhox

必麒麟 Pickering

痞哥 Pidgeot, Pigeot, Scapeface

皮爾斯 Pierce

皮斯卡波 Piscapo

普萊森 Pleasant

畢達哥拉斯 Pythagoras

昆圖斯 Quintus

蘭蒂 Randi

樂佩 Rapunzel

李奇 Reacher

瑞貝卡 Rebecca

雷氏 Reese

雷米特 Remit, Rimet

理查德 Richard

理查 Richard

瑞克 Rick

林哥 Ringo

利文頓 Rivington

勞勃 Robert

羅賓森 Robinson

羅德裡格斯 Rodriguez

洛克 Rog

羅米利 Romilly

朗森 Ronson

羅森布拉特 Rosenblatt

羅伊斯 Royce

魯道夫 Rudolph

倫西波 Runcible

露絲 Ruth

萊恩 Ryan

雷德 Ryder

佐久間 Sakuma

佐久間左馬太 Sakuma Samata

山姆 Sam

左馬太 Samata

山繆 Samuel

桑切斯 Sanchez

珊卓 Sandra

撒柔絲 Sarah, Sorrows

芹澤 Serizawa

佘蟠 Serpine

賽菲茵 Severine

薩芙琳 Severine

莎士比亞 Shakespeare

席爾瓦 Silva

辛普森 Simpson

辛克 Singh

誑俠 Skulduggery

蘇妃雅 Sofia

史塔賓頓 Stabbington

小史 Stan

史丹利 Stanley

史蒂方諾 Stefano

斯坦茲 Stenz

史坦茲 Stenz

史黛芙妮 Stephanie

史提夫 Steve

史蒂文斯 Stevens

史溫 Swan

泰德 Tad

阿正 Tadashi

明石 Takashi

唐妮絲 Tanith

泰納 Tanner

塔斯 Tars

鐵弗龍 Teflon

泰勒 Teller

火箭女郎舞蹈團 The Rockettes

休瑞 Thurid

蒂芬妮 Tiffany

蒂芬妮舒 Tiffany Sue

托尤 Toil, Toyo

蛋葆 Tomago

湯米 Tommy

東尼 Tony

托波 Topal

托比 Toppy

托倫斯 Torrance

崔佛 Trevor

華爾姬莉 Valkyrie

瓦雷利亞 Valyria

凡得瓦爾 Van der Waals

范多佛 Vandover

沃利恩 Vaurien

梵桀思 Vengeous, Vincent

偉大力 Vitali

華特 Walther

瓦特尼 Watney

威利 Weili

威瑪 Weimar

薇真 Weizhen

溫蒂 Wendy

威斯特 Wester

惠勒 Wheeler

惠特勞 Whitlaw

威廉 William

偉立 William

溫妮費德 Winifred

伍迪 Woody

華滋華斯 Wordsworth

小富 Xiao fu

小慧 Xiao hui

曉華 Xiaohua

小新 Xiaoxin

亞爾丹 Yardem

裕凱 Yukai

曾子 Zengzi

志偉 Zhiwei


阿布哈茲 Abkhazia

阿富汗 Afghanistan

美屬薩摩亞 American Samoa (U.S.)

安道爾 Andorra

安哥拉 Angola

安提瓜和巴布達 Antigua And Barbuda

阿根廷 Argentina

亞美尼亞 Armenia

阿魯巴 Aruba (Netherlands)

澳洲 Australia

澳大利亞 Australia

奧地利 Austria

阿塞拜疆 Azerbaijan

巴林 Bahrain

孟加拉國 Bangladesh

巴巴多斯 Barbados

白俄羅斯 Belarus

比利時 Belgium

伯利茲 Belize

貝寧 Benin

百慕大 Bermuda (Uk)

不丹 Bhutan

玻利維亞 Bolivia

波斯尼亞和黑塞哥維那 Bosnia And Herzegovina

博茨瓦納 Botswana

巴西 Brazil

文萊 Brunei

保加利亞 Bulgaria

布基納法索 Burkina Faso

布隆迪 Burundi

柬埔寨 Cambodia

喀麥隆 Cameroon

加拿大 Canada

佛得角 Cape Verde

開曼群島 Cayman Islands (Uk)

中非共和國 Central African Republic

乍得 Chad

智利 Chile

華夏 China

中國 China

哥倫比亞 Colombia

科摩羅 Comoros

哥斯達黎加 Costa Rica

克羅地亞 Croatia

古巴 Cuba

庫拉索島 Curaçao (Netherlands)

捷克共和國 Czech Republic

剛果民主共和國 Democratic Republic Of The Congo

丹麥 Denmark

吉布提 Djibouti

多米尼加 Dominica

多明尼加共和國 Dominican Republic

東帝汶 East Timor

厄瓜多爾 Ecuador

埃及 Egypt

薩爾瓦多 El Salvador

英國 England

赤道幾內亞 Equatorial Guinea

愛沙尼亞 Estonia

法羅群島 Faroe Islands (Denmark)

密克羅尼西亞聯邦 Federated States Of Micronesia

芬蘭 Finland

法國 France

法屬波利尼西亞 French Polynesia (France)

加蓬 Gabon

格魯吉亞 Georgia

德國 Germany

加納 Ghana

大英帝國 Great British Empire

希臘 Greece

格陵蘭 Greenland (Denmark)

格林納達 Grenada

關島 Guam (U.S.)

危地馬拉 Guatemala

根西島 Guernsey (Uk)

幾內亞 Guinea

幾內亞比索 Guinea-Bissau

圭亞那 Guyana

海地 Haiti

荷蘭 Holland, Netherlands

洪都拉斯 Honduras

匈牙利 Hungary

冰島 Iceland

印度 India

伊朗 Iran

愛爾蘭 Ireland

馬恩島 Isle Of Man (Uk)

以色列 Israel

意大利 Italy

義大利 Italy

象牙海岸 Ivory Coast

牙買加 Jamaica

日本 Japan

澤西島 Jersey (Uk)

約旦 Jordan

哈薩克斯坦 Kazakhstan

肯尼亞 Kenya

基里巴斯 Kiribati

韓國 Korea

科索沃 Kosovo

科威特 Kuwait

老撾 Laos

黎巴嫩 Lebanon

萊索托 Lesotho

利比里亞 Liberia

利比亞 Libya

列支敦士登 Liechtenstein

立陶宛 Lithuania

盧森堡 Luxembourg

馬拉維 Malawi

馬來西亞 Malaysia

馬爾代夫 Maldives

馬里 Mali

馬耳他 Malta

馬紹爾群島 Marshall Islands

毛里塔尼亞 Mauritania

毛里求斯 Mauritius

墨西哥 Mexico

摩爾多瓦 Moldova

摩納哥 Monaco

蒙古 Mongolia

黑山 Montenegro

摩洛哥 Morocco

莫桑比克 Mozambique

緬甸 Myanmar

納米比亞 Namibia

尼泊爾 Nepal

新喀裡多尼亞 New Caledonia (France)

新西蘭 New Zealand

尼加拉瓜 Nicaragua

尼日爾 Niger

尼日利亞 Nigeria

北朝鮮 North Korea

北馬其頓 North Macedonia

北塞浦路斯 Northern Cyprus

北愛爾蘭 Northern Ireland

北馬里亞納群島 Northern Mariana Islands (U.S.)

挪威 Norway

阿曼 Oman

巴基斯坦 Pakistan

巴勒斯坦 Palestine

巴拿馬 Panama

巴布亞新幾內亞 Papua New Guinea

巴拉圭 Paraguay

秘魯 Peru

菲律賓 Phillipines

波蘭 Poland

波多黎各 Puerto Rico (U.S.)

卡塔爾 Qatar

剛果共和國 Republic Of The Congo

中華民國 Republic of China

俄羅斯 Russia

盧旺達 Rwanda

聖基茨和尼維斯 Saint Kitts And Nevis

聖盧西亞 Saint Lucia

聖文森特和格林納丁斯 Saint Vincent And The Grenadines

薩摩亞 Samoa

沙特阿拉伯 Saudi Arabia

蘇格蘭 Scotland

塞內加爾 Senegal

塞舌爾 Seychelles

塞拉利昂 Sierra Leone

新加坡 Singapore

聖馬丁 Sint Maarten (Netherlands)

斯洛伐克 Slovakia

所羅門群島 Solomon Islands

索馬里 Somalia

南非 South Africa

南奧塞梯 South Ossetia

南蘇丹 South Sudan

受蘇聯 Soviet union

西班牙 Spain

斯里蘭卡 Sri Lanka

蘇丹 Sudan

蘇里南 Suriname

瑞典 Sweden

瑞士 Switzerland

敘利亞 Syria

聖多美和普林西比 São Tomé And Príncipe

台灣 Taiwan

塔吉克斯坦 Tajikistan

坦桑尼亞 Tanzania

泰國 Thailand

岡比亞 The Gambia

多哥 Togo

湯加 Tonga

特立尼達和多巴哥 Trinidad And Tobago

突尼斯 Tunisia

土耳其 Turkey

土庫曼斯坦 Turkmenistan

特克斯和凱科斯群島 Turks And Caicos Islands (Uk)

烏干達 Uganda

烏克蘭 Ukraine

美國 United States Of America

美屬維爾京群島 United States Virgin Islands (U.S.)

烏拉圭 Uruguay

瓦努阿圖 Vanuatu

委內瑞拉 Venezuela

越南 Vietnam

西撒哈拉 Western Sahara

也門 Yemen

葉門 Yemen

贊比亞 Zambia

津巴布韋 Zimbabwe


非洲人 African

阿拉伯 Arabic

荷蘭人 Dutch

希伯來人 Hebrew race

印度人 Indian

巴基斯坦人 Pakistani


一千三百 1300, One Thousand Three Hundred, Thirteen Hundred

二十四 24, Twenty-Four

十億 One billion

百萬 One million

一萬億 One trillion

十萬個 One-hundred thousand

六十 Sixty

三十二 Thirty-two

萬億 Trillion

二十億 Two billion


百分之八十五 Eighty-five percent

百分之二十一 Twenty-one percent


演員 Actor

電影演員 Actor, Actress, Movie Actor, Movie actress

女演員 Actress

探員 Agent, Secret Service Agent

考古學家 Archeologist

建築師 Architect

文物藝作 Artisan

藝術家 Artist

畫家 Artist, Painter

刺客 Assassin

核工程師 Atomic Engineer

檢察官 Attorney

作者 Author, Writer

銀行家 Banker

男士理髮 Barber, Men's hairdresser

酒保 Bartender

理事長 Board chairman

掌櫃 Boss, Manager, Shop keeper

植物學家 Botanist

官僚 Bureaucrat

漫畫家 Cartoonist

最高上司 Chairman

主席 Chairman

主委 Chairman

廚師 Chef

兒童心理學家 Child Psychologist

教練 Coach, Instructor

專欄作家 Columnist

電子技術人員 Computer Technician, Electronics Technician

設計師 Designer

外交官 Diplomat

醫生 Doctor

駕駛員 Driver, Pilot

職務 Duty

工程師 Engineer

農夫 Farmer

農民 Farmer

權威時尚專欄家 Fashion columnist

時尚專欄家 Fashion columnist

消防員 Fire Fighter

捕魚為業 Fisherman

卦姑 Fortune teller

地理工程師 Geo-engineer, Geotech, Geotechnician

總督 Governor, Magistrate

婦科醫師 Gynecologist

美髮師 Hairdresser

導師 Instructor, Teacher

職責 Job

陸軍中校 Lieutenant colonel

牙婆 Madam

虔婆 Madam

女傭 Maid

女僕 Maid

管理師 Manager

數學家 Mathematician

機械師 Mechanic

機械工程師 Mechanical Engineer

醫護人員 Medical Staff

商家 Merchant

穩婆 Midwife

護士 Nurse

官員 Official

廳房女僕 Parlormaid

醫師 Physician, Surgeon

物理學家 Physicist

飛行員 Pilot

機師 Pilot

警察巡官 Police Inspector

警察 Police officer

員警 Policeman

鬼驅人 Poltergeist

私家偵探 Private Detective

職業 Profession

教授 Professor

贊助者 Promoter

精神病醫師 Psychiatrist

心理學家 Psychologist

接待人員 Receptionist

研究員 Research Staff, Researcher(S)

研究助理 Research assistant

科學家 Scientist

學家 Scientist

僕役 Servant

學生 Student

外科醫師 Surgeon

停職 Suspended from work

老師 Teacher

團隊負責 Team leader

恐怖分子 Terrorist

文學家 Writer

瑜伽老師 Yoga Teacher


嗶嗶聲 Beep Beep

喀噠聲 Click

嘟嘟聲 Du Du

咻咻聲 Hissing

喀喀聲 Ka Ka

窸窣聲 Rustling

呼呼聲 Whooshing


縣市 City, County


阿格拉 Agra (India)

奧巴尼 Albany

阿里山 Ali Shan (mountain)

安樂區 Anle district

安尼斯頓 Anniston

安平 Anping

阿雷西波 Arecibo

八里 Bali

八里坌 Baliben

班克頓 Bankerton

八瑤 Bayao

比佛利山莊 Beverly Hills

廣東 Canton

車城 Checheng

車城鄉 Checheng

康威 Conway

大稻埕 Dadaocheng

打狗 Dagou

淡水 Danshui

德里 Delhi

東埔 Dongpu

東倫敦 East London

二沙灣 Ershawan

弗雷澤 Frazier

佛萊柏格 Fryeberg

恆春古城 Hengchun castle town

恆春半島 Hengchun peninsula

恆春鎮 Hengchun town

赫里福 Hereford

好萊塢 Hollywood

花東 Huadong

內蒙古 Inner Mongolia

金吉拉鎮 Janjira City

吉卡里拉 Jicarilla

集集鎮 Jiji township

雞籠 Jilong

金吉拉 Jinjira

九龍 Kowloon

昆池 Kun Lake

鹿耳門 Luermen, modern day Anping

鹿港 Lugang

滿州鄉 Manzhou

瑪莎葡萄園島 Martha's Vineyard

梅里馬克 Merrimack

苗栗 Miaoli

牡丹鄉 Mudan township

南投 Nantou

新舟山 New Chusan

新帕爾茨 New Paltz

紐伯里波特 Newbury Port

蘭嶼 Orchid island

牛津 Oxford

澎湖 Penghu

浦東 Pudong

波多黎哥 Puerto Rico

里奇蘭 Richland

賽倫 Salem

社寮 Sheliao

石門 Shimen

石門村 Shimen village

獅球嶺 Shiqiuling

西西里 Sicili

塞威 Sidewinder

四重溪 Sizhong river

南極 South Pole

南門 South gate

史坦福 Stanford

斯特布里奇 Sturbridge

桑納琵 Sunapee

千島 Thousand Islands

時代廣場 Times Square

尤蒂卡 Utica

海灣一 Waikiki

威斯頓 Weston

威明頓 Wilmington

梧棲 Wuqi

梧棲港 Wuqi port

信義鄉 Xinyi township

中正區 Zhongzheng district


北京 Beijing

波士頓 Boston

布魯塞爾 Brussels

布達佩斯 Budapest

彰化 Changhua

嘉義市 Chiayi (or Jia Yi)

芝加哥 Chicago

底特律 Detroit

都柏林 Dublin

香港 Hong Kong

休士頓 Houston

新竹市 Hsinchu City (Or Xin Zhu)

愛荷華市 Iowa City

伊斯坦堡 Istanbul

坎薩斯市 Kansas City

高雄 Kaohsiung

高雄市 Kaohsiung (Or Gao Xiong) City

基隆 Keelung

西礁 Key West

拉斯維加斯 Las Vegas

倫敦 London

倫敦市 London city

洛杉磯 Los Angeles

曼哈頓 Manhattan

明尼亞波里 Minneapolis

莫斯科 Moscow

慕尼 Munich

新德里 New Delhi

紐奧良 New Orleans

紐約 New York

波特蘭市 Portland

舊金山 San Francisco

西雅圖 Seattle

上海 Shanghai

蘇城 Sioux city

雪梨 Sydney

台中市 Taichung City

台南市 Tainan City

台北市 Taipei

臺北 Taipei

臺北市 Taipei city

台中 Taizhong

臺中 Taizhong

坦帕 Tampa

桃園市 Taoyuan City

東京 Tokyo

溫哥華 Vancouver

凡爾賽 Versailles

新竹 Xinzhu


彰化縣 Changhua County

嘉義縣 Chiayi County

新竹縣 Hsinchu County

花蓮縣 Hualien County

金門縣 Kinmen County

苗栗縣 Miaoli County

南投縣 Nantou County

澎湖縣 Penghu County

屏東縣 Pingtun County

台東縣 Taitung County

桃園縣 Taoyuan County

宜蘭縣 Yilan County

雲林縣 Yunlin county


印度斯坦 Hindustani

舊京山 San Fransokyo


鳳山 Fengshan, former province of Taiwan

福建省 Fujian, province in China

福州 Fuzhou

廣東省 Guangdong, province in China

廣州 Guangzhou

江蘇省 JiangSu, province in China

滿州 Manchuria

雲南 Yunnan province

浙江省 Zhejiang, province in China

諸羅縣 Zhuluo, former province in Taiwan

諸羅 Zhuluo, former province of Taiwan


加州 California

佛羅里達 Florida

喬治工州 Georgia

喬治亞州 Georgia

夏威夷 Hawaii

愛荷華州 Iowa State

愛州 Iowa State

緬因 Maine

明尼蘇達 Minnesota

蒙大拿州 Montana

新罕布夏 New Hampshire

北明尼蘇達 Northern Minnesota

南達克塔州 South Dakota

南加州 Southern California

德州 Texas


一排杜鵑 A row of rhododendrons

洋槐 Acacia, Locust Tree

百花 All sorts of flowers

孤挺花 Amaryllis

紫苑 Aster

黃楊木 Boxwood

葫蘆 Calabash

樟樹 Camphor tree

洋菊 Chrysanthemum, Dahlia, Daisy

農作物 Crops

蒲公英 Dandelion

黃金葛 Devil's Ivy, Epipremnum Aureum, Money Plant, Taro Vine

浮萍 Duckweed

花兒 Flower(s)

狗尾草 Foxtail

梔子花 Gardenia

洋繡球 Hydrangea

楓樹 Maple tree

穀子 Millet

金針花 Orange Day-Lily

桂花 Osmanthus

梅花 Plum blossom

梅樹 Plum tree

杜鵑 Rhododendron

稻苗 Rice Seedlings

樹苗 Sapling

發芽 Sprout

向日葵 Sunflower

樹林 Trees

田字草 Water Clover

雜草 Weed

肉蕈 White Mushrooms

黃花 Yellow flower


國家地理雜誌 National Geographic


夾注號 Brackets

括號 Brackets

冒號 Colon

頓號 Comma

逗號 Comma

刪節號 Ellipsis

驚嘆號 Exclamation Mark

句號 Period

標點符號 Punctuation Marks

問號 Question Mark

引號 Quotation Marks

連接號 Tilde


圓圈 Circle

圈圈 Circle

心形 Heart shaped

長方形 Rectangle

圓形 Round

正方形 Square

三角形 Triangle

楔形 Wedge shape


機器人先生 Mr Roboto


空氣動力學 Aerodynamics

農業工程 Agricultural engineering

天文學 Astronomy

植物學 Botany

化學 Chemistry

模控學 Cybernetics

動力學 Dynamics

工程 Engineering

理工 Engineering, Science and technology

英國文學 English Literature

歷史 History

人文 Humanities

資訊科學 Information science

文學 Literature

數學 Math

冶金術 Metallurgy

物理學 Physics

社會學科 Social Studies

靜力學 Statics

構造學 Structural Science, Tectonics

系統設計工程 Systems Design Engineering

大地構造學 Tectonics

動物學 Zoology

Ten Heavenly Stems

甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸 First, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth


秋天 Autumn (days)

黑暗 Dark

早一點 Earlier

八點 Eight O'Clock

夜晚 Evening, Night time

五點 Five O'Clock

半夜四點 Four in the morning

早上 Morning

黑夜 Night

九點 Nine O'Clock

九點半 Nine thirty

七點 Seven O'Clock

六點 Six O'Clock

十點 Ten O'Clock

十點半 Ten thirty

三點 Three O'Clock

明晚 Tomorrow night

十二點四十 Twelve forty

二十秒鐘 Twenty seconds

二點 Two O'Clock


星期五 Friday

金曜日 Friday

上禮拜五 Last Friday

星期一 Monday

月曜日 Monday

星期六 Saturday

土曜日 Saturday

星期天 Sunday

日曜日 Sunday

星期四 Thursday

木曜日 Thursday

星期二 Tuesday

火曜日 Tuesday

星期三 Wednesday

水曜日 Wednesday


幾個星期 A few weeks

整整一週 A whole week

短短一周 In as little as a week

上星期 Last week

上禮拜 Last week

上個星期 Last week

上週 Last week

可能要花上幾個星期 May take a few weeks

一周 One week

這禮拜 This week

兩星期 Two weeks

兩個星期 Two weeks

兩個星期前 Two weeks ago

一直到週末 Up to the weekend

禮拜 Week

星期 Week

週末 Weekend

數星期前 Weeks ago

數星期後 Weeks later


二十四個月 24 months

幾個月 A few months

一整個月 A whole month

一連幾個月 For a few months

再過一個月 Just over a month

一個月 One month

在過去三個月 Over the last three months

三個月 Three months

二個月 Two months

兩個月 Two months


四月 April

八月 August

十二月 December

二月 February

一月 January

七月 July

六月 June

三月 March

五月 May

十一月 November

十月 October

九月 September


每天 Daily

每小時 Each hour (as in mph or kph)

每個月 Each month

每一分秒 Each second

每次 Each time

每晚 Every evening

每晚都 Every evening

每天晚上 Every evening

每週 Every week

每年 Every year

平日 Normally

這一天 This day

今天晚上 This evening, Tonight

今早 This morning

今天早上 This morning

今朝 This morning

哪一天 What day?


一個月後 A month later

下月中旬 Middle of next month

下個月 Next month

下期 Next period

下週 Next week

下星期 Next week

明年 Next year

三個月後 Three months later

三個月前 Three months prior


前的三個月左右 About three months before

前天 Day before yesterday

上個月 Last month

昨晚 Last night, Yesterday evening

去年 Last year

昨天 Yesterday


秋季 Autumn, Fall

春季 Spring

夏季 Summer

暑天 Summer

暑假 Summer vacation

冬季 Winter


秋分 Autumnal Equinox

驚蟄 Awakening Insects

立秋 Beginning Of Autumn

立春 Beginning Of Spring

立夏 Beginning Of Summer

立冬 Beginning Of Winter

大寒 Big Cold

大暑 Big Or Great Heat

大雪 Big Snow

清明 Clear Bright Skies

寒露 Cold Dew

雨水 Feb 19 To Mar 6, Rain Water, Snow Turns To Rain

霜降 Frost Descends

芒種 Grain In Ear Or Seed Millet

處暑 Heat Begins To Lessen

小滿 Little Creatures Plenish Or Grain Fills

小暑 Little Heat

小雪 Little Or Slight Snow

小寒 Little Or Slightly Cold

夏至 Summer Solstice

春分 Vernal Equinox

穀雨 Wheat Rain

白露 White Dew Sept 8 To Sept 23

冬至 Winter Solstice


早晚 Sooner or later

早晚的 Sooner or later


銼刀 File

螺絲刀 Screwdriver

螺絲起子 Screwdriver

套筒扳手 Socket wrench

扭力扳手 Torque wrench

螺絲鉗 Wrench

扳手 Wrench


桑德 Thunder


釐米 Centimeter

公分 Centimeter

公丈 Decameter

公寸 Decimeter

英吋 Inch

公里 Kilometer

千米 Kilometre

公尺 Meter

米遠 Meter (unit of distance)

微米 Micron

毫米 Millimeter

毫微米 Nanometer

台尺 Taiwan foot


公毫 Centigram

道爾頓 Dalton

公錢 Decagram

公克 Gram

公兩 Hectogram

公斤 Kilogram

公絲 Milligram


公勺 Centiliter

立方公里 Cubic kilometer

公斗 Decaliter

市斗 Decaliter

公合 Deciliter

公石 Hectoliter

市石 Hectoliter

公秉 Kiloliter

市升 Liter

公升 Litre

公撮 Milliliter

毫升 Milliliter


客機 Airliner

飛機 Airplane

飛船 Airship, Spaceship

自行車 Bicycle, Bike

腳踏車 Bicycle

船隻 Boat, Ship

班車 Bus

快速帆船 Clipper, Fast sail boat

敞篷車 Convertible

登陸艇 Descent vehicle, Landing craft

柴油 Diesel

引擎蓋 Engine cowling

飛行器 Flyer

直升機 Helicopter

摩托 Motorcycle

機車 Motorcycle

摩托車 Motorcycle, Scooter

艦船 Naval vessels, Warships

踩下煞車 Put on the brakes

救上直升機 Rescue helicopter

俄軍核潛艇 Russian Nuclear submarine

帆船 Sail boat

轎車 Sedan

輪船 Ship

飛艇 Shuttle

跑車 Sports car

蒸汽機 Steam engine

雙引擎 Twin engined


賓利 Bentley

雪佛蘭 Chevrolet

雪鐵龍 Citroen

柯維特 Corvette

地球巡洋艦 EarthCruiser

賓士 Mercedes Benz

朋馳轎車 Mercedez-Benz

從龐帝克 Pontiac

勞斯萊斯 Rolls Royce

薩博本 Suburban

雷鳥 Thunderbird

豐田 Toyota

維拉尼奧 Veraneio

福斯金龜車 Volkswagon Beatle

富豪 Volvo


空氣濾清器 Air filter

機翼 Airplane wing

踩下煞車 Apply the brakes

陪林 Bearing

煞車 Brake

卡鉗 Brake callipers

煞車燈 Brake light

煞車油管 Brake line

煞車皮 Brake pad

煞車碟盤 Brake rotor

剎車 Brake(s)

汽門挺杆 Cam shaft

車子 Car

車輛 Car

化油器 Carburetor

車架 Chassis, Vehicle frame

離合器 Clutch

離合器線 Clutch cable

離合器片 Clutch plate

曲軸柄 Connecting rod

曲軸 Crank shaft

汽缸 Cylinder

圓筒 Cylinder

汽缸頭 Cylinder head

鼓煞 Drum brakes

馬達 Engine, Motor

引擎 Engine

引擎外蓋 Engine case

機油 Engine oil

排氣管 Exhaust pipe

輪緣 Flange

汽油表 Fuel gauge

油管 Fuel line

油箱開關 Fuel switch, Pet cock

油箱 Fuel tank

燃料箱 Fuel tank

油箱蓋 Gas cap

墊片 Gasket

襯墊 Gasket

車把手 Handle bars

車燈 Headlights, Vehicle light

主車架 Kickstand

側駐 Kickstand

拉杆 Levers

車牌 License plate

總泵 Master cylinder

滅音器 Muffler

空檔燈 Neutral light

濾油器 Oil filter

油燈 Oil lamp

機油泵 Oil pump

油封 Oil seal

尾燈 Tail light


長劍 Long sword, Sword


寶瓶 Aquarius

寶瓶座 Aquarius

白羊 Aries

白羊座 Aries

巨蟹 Cancer

巨蟹座 Cancer

磨蝎 Capricorn

磨羯 Capricorn

磨羯座 Capricorn

雙子 Gemini

雙子座 Gemini

獅子 Leo

天秤 Libra

天秤座 Libra

雙魚 Pisces

雙魚座 Pisces

射手 Sagittarius

射手座 Sagittarius

天蠍 Scorpio

天蠍座 Scorpio

金牛 Taurus

金牛座 Taurus

處女 Virgo

處女座 Virgo

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All rights reserved.