Index for words including 塑


Sculpt, Model, Make Out Of Clay, Plastic

Word Links for words containing 塑 (sorted via character pairs)

塑 suˋ
Sculpt, Model, Make Out Of Clay, Plastic

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


塑膠 Plastic

塑膠 Plastic chopsticks

塑膠 Plastic bag

塑膠托盤 Plastic tray

塑膠擋板 Plastic sheeting

塑膠來做 Using plastic to make, Doing this in plastic

塑膠來做筷子 Using plastic to make chopsticks, Making chopsticks in plastic

塑膠裡木乃伊化 Mummified in plastic

塑膠燃燒 Burning plastic

聞起來像塑膠燃燒 Smelled like burning plastic, Smelling like burning plastic


塑成 Shaped, Molded, Fashioned

由火塑成 Shaped from fire, Made from fire


塑造 Mold, Molded, Shape, Shaped

巧妙塑造 Cleverly made, Skillfully fashioned

塑造 Molded, Shaped


塑料 Plastic, Plastics

硬質塑料 Rigid plastics

塑料 Plastic bag


雕塑 Sculpt, Carve, Paint


形塑 Shape, Shapes, Shaping, Shaped

形塑社會區別 Shape social distinctions, Shapes social distinctions, Shaping social distinctions, Shaped social distinctions

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