Index for words including 抖


Shake Out, Tremble, Rouse

Word Links for words containing 抖 (sorted via character pairs)

抖 douˇ
Shake Out, Tremble, Rouse

Words containing

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抖得 Trembling, Shaking

抖得好厲害 Trembling, Shaking badly


抖掉 Shake out, Shakes out, Shaking out, Shook out


抖擻 Quivered, Shook

精神抖擻 High spirited

抖擻精神 Muster one's energies, Muster enthusiasm for the task ahead, Pull oneself together


發抖 Shake, Shiver, Tremble

我直發抖 I was shaking, I was shivering

渾身發抖 Shivering

凍得我直發抖 I shivered from the cold, I was so cold I was shivering

他的目光始終沒離開發抖的老人 His eyes didn't leave the shivering old man, He kept his eyes on the shivering old man


顫抖 Tremble, Shiver, Shake, Trembling, Shivering, Shaking

累得顫抖 Shuddered from exhaustion

她聲音裡的顫抖 The tremble in her voice

顫抖的葉 Trembling leaves, Trembling leaf

顫抖的葉 That trembling leaf, That quivering leaf

顫抖的筆跡 Shaky handwriting

顫抖的筆跡 With shaky hand writing


著抖 Tremble(d), Shiver(ed)

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