Index for words including 次


Next, Order, Sequence, Succession, Sub, Inferior, Low Grade, Grade, Nth Time, MW For Number Of Repetitions

Word Links for words containing 次 (sorted via character pairs)

次 ciˋ
Next, Order, Sequence, Succession, Sub, Inferior, Low Grade, Grade, Nth Time, MW For Number Of Repetitions

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


次國 Tribal offshoot, Subphyle


次日 Next day


次組 Sub-assembly


次區 Sub-district, Subregion


次系 Subsystem


次多項式 Quadratic polynomial, quadratic expression, Second order polynomial


次程 Subprogram


次方 Power, Exponent

次方 Power is, Powers are, Exponent is, Exponents are

次方 Second power root, Square root


次於 Second only to


次式 Quadratic

次式的因式分解 Quadratic factorization


次序 Order

次序排列 Order, Order of arrangement, Arranged in order


一次次的 Again and again, Constant

無數次的日升月落 Countless sunrises and moonsets

在他語無倫次的祈禱中 In their unspoken prayers


次項 Second order term

次項 Fifth order term

最高次項 Highest order term

次項係數 Second order (quadratic) coefficient

次項係數 Fifth order (quintic) coefficient

次項係數為 The second order (quadratic) coefficient is

次項係數為 The fifth order (quintic) coefficient is


次要 Secondary


次數 Degree, Number of times

各項的次數 Each term's degree

按照各項的次數 Based on each term's degree

次數 Are of degree

此多項式的次數 This polynomial is of degree

次數多到 Number of times, Volume (number of times)

各項的次數高低 Each term's degree, from high to low


單次 Single


屢次 Frequent, Repeated


層次 Order, Arrangement


四次 Four times

四次 Fold four times, Folded four times

四次 Fourth order term

四次項係數 Fourth order (quartic) coefficient

四次項係數為 The fourth order (quartic) coefficient is


索引目次 Index


將次 Nearly, Almost, Gradually


幾次 A few times

幾次 A dozen times

幾次 Many times, So many times

摞了幾次 Even up a stack (of papers) several times

發生過幾次 Had occurred a few times

看了十幾次 Looked at a dozen times, Watched a dozen times

總是會有幾次 There will be times, There will be times when

重複練習幾次 Repeat a few times, Repeating a few times, Repeated a few times

過程反覆十幾次 Repeat the process several dozen times, Repeat several dozen times

重複這個動作幾次 Repeat this movement a few times

他至少拿出機械懷錶看了十幾次 Pulled out his mechanical pocket watch at least a dozen times

幾次 After a few times

重複練習幾次 After repeating a few times

重複這個動作幾次 After repeating this movement a few times

一年不過幾次而已 Just a few times a year


那次 That time


多次 Lots of


每次 Every time, Each time

每次 Every time, Always

每次一張口 Every time you open your mouth

每次都會接住我 You always catch me


依次 In proper order, Sequentially, Successively


漸次 Gradually, Little by litte, By degrees


這次 This time

這次 For this

這次來說 In this case, This time,

這次不一樣 This time it's different, This is different

這次容易多了 This time it is easier, This time it was easier


造次 Rash, Urgent, Hasty


初次 First time


人次 Person count


少次 How many times


首次 First time


其次 Secondly, Next, Besides

其次數為 Its degree is


一次 A, One, Single

一次 Next time

一次 Once again

一次 Eleven times

一次 Again

一次 Once

一次 First time, Initial, The first time, For the first time

一次 Try once, Tried once

一次 This time

一次 First time

不只一次 More than once

不止一次 More than once, Not for the first time

再試一次 Tried again

再說一次 Say once more, Say again

多久一次 How often

最後一次 Last time

重複一次 Repeat once

一次又一次 Again and again, Repeatedly

不下十一次 No fewer than eleven times, No less than eleven times

以來第一次 For the first time

平生第一次 For the first time ever

生平第一次 For the first time ever

再逮捕他一次 Arrest him again

再逮捕她一次 Arrest her again

努力再試一次 Try again, Strive to try again

又喊了他一次 Called for him again

只出現過一次 Only appear once, Only appeared once

只能輸入一次 Can only be entered once

幹嘛再上一次 Why are we doing this?, Why are we going over this?

一天以來第一次 For the first time all day

凡事皆有第一次 There's a first time for everything

我幫助過他一次 I helped him once

救過他不止一次 Saved him more than once, Had saved him more than once, Had saved his life on more than one occasion

救過她不止一次 Saved her more than once, Had saved her more than once, Had saved her life on more than one occasion

笑了一天以來第一次 Smiled for the first time all day

近距離看過他們一次 Saw them up close once

一次 Disposable, Single use

一次 First order term

一次次的 Again and again, Constant

一次 The first time using

一元一次 Single variable linear equation

反正也不是第一次 Not for the first time

一次多項式 First-order polynomial, First-degree polynomial

一次式乘積 First-order product, First degree product

一次項係數 First order (linear) coefficient

一次問過 Had once asked

一次接觸 Initial contact

一次見到 First time seeing, At first glance

一次一微形塊 One microscopic chunk at a time

一次項係數為 The first order (linear) coefficient is

他第一次來時 On his first visit here, During the first time he came here

最後一次看到 Last seen

一次見到她的人 Someone seeing her for the first time, Anyone seeing her for the first time

一次知道 Knew for the first time

才第一次知道 For the first time knew, Knew for the first time

那時他才第一次知道 And then he knew for the first time

讓第一次見到她的人愛上她 Make people fall in love with her when first meeting her, Making people fall in love with her when first meeting her

喜歡讓第一次見到她的人愛上她 Liked to make people fall in love with her on first site


三次 Three times

三次 Cubic

三次 Third order term

三次多項式 Cubic polynomial, Third order polynomial

三次項係數 Third order (cubic) coefficient

三次項係數為 The third order (cubic) coefficient is


三番五次 Over and over again


下次 Next, Next time

希望下次能和他一起來參觀 Hope that next time we can come together to visit


兩次 Twice, Two times

一週洗兩次大量的衣服 Did a load of laundry twice a week


再次 Once again

再次進入了 Re-enter, Re-entered

被迫再次想起 Forced to again think about


零次 Degree zero


好幾百次 Several hundred times


頁次 Page


上次 Last time

跟他上次來的樣子大不相同 Looked very different from the last time he came, Had changed a lot since last he came


此次 This time


十次 Ten times

至少寫了二十次 Written at least 20 times

十次裡她的看法總有九次是對的 She is proved right nine out of ten times


場次 Number of showings for a film, Screenings, Showings


九次 Nine times

起碼九次 At least nine times

十次裡她的看法總有九次是對的 She is proved right nine out of ten times


本次 Current (this time)


檔次 Grade

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