Index for words including 澱


Sediment, Dregs, Precipitate, Indigo

Word Links for words containing 澱 (sorted via character pairs)

澱 dianˋ
Sediment, Dregs, Precipitate, Indigo

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


澱粉 Starch

蕃薯澱粉 Sweet potato starch

澱粉 Starch paste, Sticky starch

還有一種澱粉與肥豬肉混合的香腸也稱作粉腸 There is also a kind of sausage made from starch and fatty pork that is also known as rice sausage

一種澱粉與肥豬肉混合的香腸 A kind of sausage made with starch and fatty pork


積澱 Accumulation


沈澱 Settle, Precipitate

沈澱下來 Settled down, Settled


沉澱 Precipitate, Precipitation

沉澱 Will settle, Will precipitate

產生沉澱 Produce precipitation, Produces precipitation, Producing precipitation, Produced precipitation

沉澱 Precipitate

沉澱物置入丙試管中 Place the precipitate into the third test tube

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