Index for words including 現


Show, Unveil, Become Visible, Appear, Be Present

Word Links for words containing 現 (sorted via character pairs)

現 xianˋ
Show, Unveil, Become Visible, Appear, Be Present

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


現狀 Present situation, Current situation


現象 Occurrence, Phenomena

發現現象 Discovering phenomenon, Discover phenomenon, Discovers phenomenon, Discovered phenomenon

雷擊現象 Lightning strikes

和細胞有關的現象 Cell related phenomena

現象 Phenomenoscope


現代 Modern

現代 Modernize

現代科技 Modern technology, The latest technology

現代用法上 In modern usage, In the modern usage

現代用法上意思就是 In the modern usage meant that


現任 Incumbent


現行 Currently in force, Current


現實 Reality

現實 Surreal

抽離現實 Withdraw from reality

脫離現實 Divorced from reality

自己抽離現實 Withdrawing oneself from reality

現實生活 Real life

現實生活中 In life


現成 Ready-made, At hand


現身 Appeared


現況 Situation, Current situation, Status


現今 Now


現金 Cash

到手的現金 Cash in hand, Cash

尋找比較容易到手的現金 Look for cash on easier terms, Looking for an easier way to get cash


現錢 Cash


現場 Scene, Act, Chapter

現場 Were present

犯罪現場 Crime scene, Scene of a crime

聚集到現場 Converge on the scene, Converging on the scene

只有四個人在現場 Only four people were present

現場真是慘不忍睹 Truly a sorry sight


現榨 Fresh squeezed, Squeezed

現榨果汁 Fresh Squeezed Juice, Freshly squeezed juice


現有 Now have, Now available, Currently available, Existing


現在 Right now, Now

現在 Until now, Up until now

從開學到現在 From the start of school up until now

現在 Present Tense

現在 Now

現在 Present

現在換誰 Now who is (as if positions reversed)

現在才七點 It's only 7 o'clock

現在的國家 The modern day state, Modern day states

現在裝新槍 Now installing the new gun

現在才展開 Delayed till now, Only now started

現在仰仗你 I am relying on you

現在距離拉近 Had approached, Had come closer

現在還有時間 Now there's still time

現在也不適用囉 Is now no longer useful, Now no longer works

現在已經絕種了 Now extinct

怎麼現在才告訴我 Why is it that only now do you tell me

現在還有時間挽回 There's still time for retrieve the situation, There's still time to turn the tide

現在你稍微大一點了 You're a little bit older now

那他現在全身是疤嗎 Does he have scars all over his body now?, Is he scarred all over now?, Is his whole body scarred now?

他們現在是城主的人了 Now they belonged to the prince, Now they were the prince's men

現在事情大大不一樣了 Things are very different now, Things were a lot different now

現在在家工作 How he worked from home

雖然他現在在家工作 Even though he now worked from home

現在有了個徒弟 He has an apprentice now

現在有了個徒弟 She now has an apprentice


現存 Exist, Existing


呈現 Appear, Emerge, Become evident

把成果呈現給他的上司 Present the results to his boss, Presenting the results to his boss, Presented the results to his boss

呈現 Show, Present

分別呈現 Show respectively


展現 Develop, Present, Perform, Performance

展現她的殷切期盼 Show her eagerness, To show her eagerness

讓他展現如此之態度 Gave him such an attitude


顯現 Appear


閃現 Flash


體現 Reflect


出現 Appear, Emerge, Reveal, Appeared, Emerged, Revealed

出現 Shall appear

出現 Should show up, Should appear

不斷出現 Kept appearing, Kept showing up

開始出現 Start to appear, Starting to appear

在下面出現 Appear beneath, Appearing beneath, Appeared beneath

等兔子出現 Waiting for a rabbit to appear

皺紋開始出現 Wrinkles start to appear, Wrinkles started to appear

你的學生會出現 Your student shall appear

以問題的形式出現 Appeared in the form of a question

學生若準備好老師自會出現 When the student is ready the teacher or master shall appear

出現 Appeared, Showed up

出現 As soon as it appears, As soon as it appeared

出現 Out came the book, The book appeared

出現形狀 Took shape

出現什麼 And then came something else, And then appeared something else

出現在你腦海 Comes to your mind

出現過一次 Only appear once, Only appeared once

開始出現細紋 Start to wrinkle, Starting to wrinkle, Wrinkles started appearing

多半在開始出現細紋的眼睛四周 Mostly around the eyes where wrinkles were starting to appear


發現 Discover, Discovers, Discovering, Discovered, Find, Finding, Found, Find out, Finding out, Found out, Realize, Realizing, Realized

發現 And discovers (at the same time)

發現 He discovered

發現 But discover, But discovered, Then noticed

發現 She discovered

發現 I discovered, I realized, I found out

發現 Been discovered

終於發現 Finally realized, Finally discovered

隨即發現 Immediately discovers, Discovers straight away

或許是發現 Perhaps realizing that

寫下你的發現 Write down your observations

你們或許沒發現 Perhaps you haven't noticed or realized

直到他終於發現 Until he finally realized, Until he finally discovered

看有沒有被人發現 Looking to see if anyone had seen, Looking for witnesses

發現 See a chance, Discover an opportunity

發現 Discovered

發現現象 Discovering phenomenon, Discover phenomenon, Discovers phenomenon, Discovered phenomenon

不會被發現 Won't be discovered

我們不會被發現 We won't be discovered, No one will find out what we've done

持續發現更多 Went on to discover even more

並持續發現更多 And went on to discover even more

發現了一個蟲洞 Discovered a wormhole

此刻仍未發現嫌犯 No suspects at this time

發現一條隱匿小道 Discovered a concealed path

發現自己越界了 Realizing oneself had stepped out of bounds, Realizing they themselves had stepped over the line

或許是發現自己越界了 Perhaps realizing that they had stepped out of bounds


忽隱忽現 Flickering


付現 Pay in cash


重現 Recreate, Reproduce, Reappear, Simulate, Returned, Came back

重現原來畫作的樣子 Reproducing the original painting


實現 Come true, Realize, Become actual, Actualize

自我實現 Self-realization


浮現 Arose, Arise in one's mind or memory

浮現 Arose


湧現 Emerge


兌現 Cash in, To cash in


再現 Reappearance, Reenactment


表現 Perform, Performance, Behave, Appear, Express, Expression

表現 To express, To show

表現 Show, Shows, Exhibit, Exhibits, Display, Displays, Illustrate, Illustrates

表現 Behaving, Acting

表現 To express her, To show her

表現堪稱滿分 Performed perfectly, Did the job really well

表現她被冷漠對待後的強烈失落 To show the intensity of her loss after being treated indifferently

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