Index for words including 看

kanˋ, kan¯

Look At, Watch, Read, Visit, See, Observe, Scrutinize, Examine, Present, Depend On (Kan1), Look After, Take Care Of, Guard

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


看吧 See, Look, Take a look


看圖 Look at the picture


看日 Watching the sunrise, Sunrise watching


看見 See, Seen, Saw

看見 As soon as they saw her

看見 Could see, Could watch, Could be seen

看見 Didn't see

看見 Could see, Was able to see

偶然看見 Accidentally saw, Came across by chance, Came across

起碼看見 See at least, Saw at least

大家怎麼沒看見 How is it that nobody can see it

看見 Saw

看見 Seen, Have seen, Met, Have met

沒有看見 Didn't see him

沒有看見 Didn't see her

記得看見 Remember seeing me

有很多人記得看見 Plenty of people remember seeing me

看見了他 Saw him, Had seen him

看見了她 Saw her, Had seen her

有個巫師看見了他 A sorcerer saw him, A sorcerer had seen him

有個巫師看見了她 A sorcerer saw her, A sorcerer had seen her

看見他們 See them, Sees them, Seeing them, Saw them

我剛看見他了 I just saw him

看見幻象 See visions, Have visions, Imagine things

看見有動靜 Saw movement

偶然看見他的相片 Came across a picture of him, Came across his photograph

看見他如此的舉動 Seeing him like this

才剛我看見他了三年 I just saw him three years ago

才剛我看見他了三分鐘 I just saw him three minutes ago

看見一名年輕的女人朝他走過來 Saw a young woman walking towards him

看見他握緊了拳頭 Saw his fist clench, Saw his fists clench

看見她握緊了拳頭 Saw her fist clench, Saw her fists clench


式式看用 Try using


看臉 Pay attention to mood of superiors


看風 Notice which way the wind blows

看風轉舵 Trim sails, Adapt to circumstances


看出 Perceive, See

看出那兒無法伸出援手 Saw no help there

看出 Make out, Visually identify

從小小舊窗看出 Looking out from the small old window


抬頭看她 Look up at her, Looks up at her, Looking up at her, Looked up at her


看好 Optimistic (about)

不被看好 Not very well thought of

原本不被看好 Originally not well thought of, Initially not well thought of


看台 Stands


看了 Seen

不要看了 Don't look at it

反覆看了 Watched repeatedly, Have/has been watching, Been reviewing

看了 Check, Checks, Checking, Checked, Look at, Looks at, Looking at, Looked at

仔細地看了 Looked carefully, Peered

看了一眼 Glanced at

父女倆對看了一眼 Father and daughter looked at each other

看了一會兒 Looked for a while, Looked at it for a while

看了一眼它 Glanced at it, Looked at it

看了十幾次 Looked at a dozen times, Watched a dozen times

他至少拿出機械懷錶看了十幾次 Pulled out his mechanical pocket watch at least a dozen times


看醫 See a doctor


看多 Seen many

看多 Seen many


抬頭看他 Look up at him, Looks up at him, Looking up at him, Looked up at him

大家都來看他 Everybody came to see him


看似 Seemingly


看作 Look up, Regard, Regard as, See


看你怎麼樣 Depends on how you


看重 Value

看重 Most important, Most esteemed, Most valued

看重的兩位調查員 Most important pair of investigators


看我 Come to see me, Coming to see me

看我一個人有沒有辦法應付 To see if I could handle it alone


看看 Looking at, Take a look, Try

看看 Look at, Take a look at

看看 To check, To see, To try out

考慮看看 Think about it, Consider it

過來看看 Come and look

隨便看看 Just looking

我們去看看 Let's go and see

我只是想看看 I just want to see, I just wanted to see

看看四周 Look around, Looking around

看看這排數字 Look at these numbers


看待 Treat, Look at, Examine

認真看待 Taken seriously

被他們如此認真看待 Taken seriously, To be taken seriously

認真地看待 Take him seriously

認真地看待 Take her seriously


看得 See

看得 Worth seeing

看得 See, Can see

看得 Can see, Visibly

看得 Understand what can be seen

看得 Able to see

看得 Think highly of, Respect

看得 Accept a situation, See through and understand

看得 Passable

勉強看得 Provide a passable view, Provided a reasonable field of view

什麼都看得 Everything could be seen

看得過去 Barely presentable

看得更清楚 See more clearly

什麼都看得一清二楚 Could see everything clearly

看得很緊 Closely watched, Closely monitored

看得很重 Value, Regard as valuable

看得到風景 View of the scenery

勉強看得到風景 A reasonable view of the scenery, A passable view of the scenery

把製造商的保證看得很認真 Take the manufacturer's guarantee seriously

從未把製造商的保證看得很認真 Had never taken the manufacturer's promise seriously


看管 Guard, Look after, Watch, Attend


看向 Look at, Looked at

轉頭看向 Turn to, Turns to, Turned to


看就 Understand at a glance, Get the message

看就知道 Know at a glance

看都沒看就點了一個起司漢堡和一杯汽水 Ordered a cheeseburger and soda without looking


看齊 Emulate

向右看齊 Right Dress


看望 Visit


看診 See a doctor


看誰 Let's see who's faster, Race you


看護 Care


看守 Guard, Protect, Watch out for, Watch

看守 Watched, Guarded, Protected

每小時被看守 For every hour been watched, Watched hourly, Hourly watched

看守 Caretaker, Watchman


看家 Home sit, House mind


看穿 Look into


看成 Regard as, Look at as, Mistake for


看病 See a doctor


看的時間如果夠久 If looking long enough


看法 View, Opinion, Idea

我對這件事的看法 My opinon on this matter

形成一個在未來將會影響他政治見解的看法 Form an idea or opinion that would in the future shape his political views

十次裡她的看法總有九次是對的 She is proved right nine out of ten times


看清 See it, See clearly

看清 Can't see clearly, Can't see it

看清 Saw clearly, Read, Read and understand


看透 See through, Resigned to

容易看透 Transpicuous, Easy to see through, Easy to understand

很容易看透 Transparent, Transpicuous, Easy to see through, Easy to understand


看這一堆 Look at a bunch of, Look at a lot of


看進 Looked into, Gazed into


看過 Seen

看過 Had already seen

從沒看過 Had never seen

看過 Had never seen the sea, Had never seen the ocean

他到處都看過 He looked everywhere

她到處都看過 She looked everywhere

看過多少遍 How many times he'd seen

看過這儀式 He'd seen the ritual

看過上千小時 Watched thousands of hours

看過並經歷過 Seen and been through, Seen and experienced

近距離看過他們 Saw them up close

近距離看過他們一次 Saw them up close once

他是早看過試爆的設計者之一 He was one of the designers who'd seen the test explosion earlier

在她看過並經歷過那些事情後 After what she'd seen and been through


看邊 Look around while walking


看情 Depending on circumstances


看愈 More and more it seemed, More and more seemed


看錯 Misjudge someones ability, Think a person was someone else, Mistakenly identify


看鐘 Look at a watch, Check time


看著 Look at, Looked at, Looking at, Watch, Watched, Watching, Peering

低頭看著 Looked down, Looked down at, Looked down on

轉頭看著 Turned to look at, Turned to

從窗外看著 Watched from outside the window

驚訝地看著 Look at with amazement, Looked at with an amazed look

抬起頭來看著 Looked up at

稍稍轉身看著 Turned slightly to look

目不轉睛的看著 Watch intently, Stare fixedly at

看著 Watched her, Watching her, Looked at her, Looking at her

看著 Look at me

看著 See what happens and then act accordingly, Act according to prevailing circumstances

面無表情地看著 Looking at him without expression, Looked at him blankly

面無表情地看著 Looking at her expressionlessly, Stared at her blankly

看著牠們 Watch them, Look at them, Watched them, Looked at them, Watching them, Looking at them

看著我的一個同事 Look at one of my colleagues, Looked at one of my colleagues, Look at a colleague of mine

看著奶油從杯底回彈 Watching the cream rebound off the bottom of the cup, Watching the cream bounce off of the bottom of the glass

看著爆炸 Like watching an explosion

景象有如看著爆炸 It was like watching an explosion


看一 Take a look

看一 Looked at, Glanced at, Took a look at

上下左右看一 Looks around, Takes a look around


看到 See, Look at, Looking at, Looked at, Seeing, Saw

看到 Have you seen

看到 Did not see

一直看到 Kept watching until, Continued to watch until, Watched until

他們看到 They see, They saw, They watch, They watched

在哪看到 Where was that? where did you see…?

沒有看到 Didn't see

你可以看到 You can see, As you can see

很高興看到 Nice to see, Glad to see, I'm glad to see

從陸地上看到 In sight of the land

最後一次看到 Last seen

看到 Saw

看到 Saw him

看到 I saw

沒再看到 Didn't see him again

那晚沒再看到 Didn't seem him for the rest of the night

看到了他 Saw him

看到阿公了 I see grandpa

看到太陽西沈入上海 Watch the sunset over Shanghai

有人看到天才也不認得 Some people don't recognize talent when they see it

看到工作有進展感覺挺不錯的 It's nice to see the work progressing, It's nice to seem some progress (in the work)

好多年都沒看到過這麼漂亮的一張臉了 Had not seen such a beautiful face in many years

看到他們 Saw them

看到他的 Saw his

看到一個了 I see one now

我想我看到一個了 I believe I see one know

我所看到的事實 That facts as I see them

我只能告訴妳我所看到的事實 I can only tell you what I see


看下 Look down, Looking down

從太平洋暗沈的表面看下 Looking down through the dark surface of the Pacific

我們來看下面的討論 Let's look at the discussion below


看不 Could not see

看不 Can't see

看不 Don't see, Can't see, Invisible

看不 Despise, Look down upon

小到看不 Too small to see

幾乎看不 Barely visible, Nearly invisible

非得看不 Difficult not to see, Couldn't help but see

什為都看不 Invisible

什麼都看不 Can't see a thing

小到看不見也感覺不到 Small enough to not be seen or felt

看不見的 Don't see, Can't see, Invisible, Unseen

看不出什麼 Completely unnoticeable, Can't see anything

看不見的線 Invisible wire, Invisible wires

看不見的力量 Unseen powers

儘管看不見卻真實存在 Despite not being visible was still real, Invisible but real

看不出那裡有什麼值得留影的地方 Could not see anything there that was photo worthy


看電 Watch a movie, See a movie

看電 Watch t.v.

看電 Just watch t.v., Just watches t.v.

不要一直看電 Don't watch too much T.V.


看西 Look around, Looks around, Looked around


看中 Choose, Chose, Selected, Targeted, Prefer, Like, Feel satisfied with


看上 Looks like

看上去像是 Looked like, To look at seemed like

看上去十分寂寞 Looked lonely, Looking lonely


看戲 Watch a play, Attend a play, Attend plays


看都沒看 Without looking

看都沒看就點了一個起司漢堡和一杯汽水 Ordered a cheeseburger and soda without looking


看故事書 Read a story book, Read stories


看去 Looked out

忽左忽右看來看去 Snapping back and forwards, Repeatedly looking left and right


看熱 Watch the fun


看起 Looking at, To look at, Looked, Appeared

看起來像是 Looks like, Looked like

看起來好遠 Looked very far, Seemed a long way off

看起來很怪 Looked strange, Looked weird

看起來不再像 No longer looked like

看起來很混沌 Looks chaotic, Looked chaotic

看起來糟透了 Looked awful, Looked terrible

看起來像十八歲 Look eighteen years old, Pass for eighteen years old

看起來完全就像 Looked exactly like

看起來至少七十歲 Looked to be at least seventy, Looked at least seventy years old

看起來和美人魚一樣 Looked like a mermaid

情況看起來發展得還不賴 Things are coming along nicely, Things are looking good

看起來都像一朵朵小野花 They all look like tiny wildflowers, All looking like tiny wildflowers, They all looked like tiny wildflowers

看起來你很清楚自己在幹什麼 It looks like you know what you are doing

看起來又像印度人又像阿拉伯人 Looked sort of Indian and sort of Arabic

看起來似乎 To look at it seems

情況看起來似乎 Situation seems

看起來大致 For the most part he looked

看起來不大好 Doesn't look so good

今天看起來不大好 Doesn't look so good right now


看書 Read, Reading, Read books

到圖書館看書 Went to the library to read, At the library reading


看來 Let me see, Looks like

在我看來 In my opinion

由此看來 From this point of view

忽左忽右看來看去 Snapping back and forwards, Repeatedly looking left and right

看來 Look like

看來 It looks like, It seems like

看來像高檔貨 Looked like a high quality product

目前看來是不太可能 Does not seem likely at present

這姿勢讓他看來就像是 This position made him seem like

在我看來是很合理的回應 In my opinion it was a very reasonable response, It was a very reasonable response in my opinion

至少在我看來是那樣沒錯 At least that's what it looks like to me


看板 Signboard, Billboard

大型看板 Billboard

電影看板 Movie billboards


看樣 Seems, Looks as if


看事做事 Take appropriate action as the situation dictates, To not prejudge or predecide


看有沒有被人發現 Looking to see if anyone had seen, Looking for witnesses


別看 Don't look


照看 Look after, Look in on, Check up on


眼看 See something happening, Watch helplessly, Soon

眼看 Look up

眼看 Saw, Personally witnessed

就是必須親眼看 Just have to see for yourself first-hand

眼看著他 Looked up at him


收看 Watch tv, Watch


盯著她看 Peering at her, Staring at her

只能給她看 For her eyes only, Only she can see this

從窗外盯著她看 Peering at her from outside the window


好看 Good looking, Pleasant to look at

你長得好看 You look good

你穿哪件衣服都好看 Everything you wear looks good, Whatever you wear looks good on you


己看 Take a look, Take a look for yourself, Look

你自己看 Take a look, Take a look for yourself, Look

妳自己看 Take a look, Take a look for yourself, Look


了看 Check, Checks, Checking, Checked, Look at, Looks at, Looking at, Looked at

仔細地看了看 Looked carefully, Peered


他們透過彼此的眼睛向外看 They looked out through each other's eyes, They saw through each other's eyes


先看 First wanted to see


別讓他看 Don't let him see, Don't let him look


你看 You'll see

你看 Let you see, Let you look, Give you a look

你看 Look at, Take a look at

你看 Allow you to see, Allow you to observe

你看一下 Take a look at, Look at

你看到什麼 What do you see?

你看一下第八場 Take a look at the eighth one

你看一下第八場聚會 Take a look at the eighth meeting


俯看 Looking down on, Looking out over

俯看這個世界 Looking out over the world


偷看 Peep, Peek, Steal a glance


愛看 I love to watch, I love to see


從事後看 In retrospect, Looking back


試看 Try, Give it a go

有膽子就試試看 Try if you dare, Come on if you think you've got the guts, Come and have a go


要給誰看 Addressee


察看 Inspect


窺看 Glimpsing, Peering, Peering in


式看 Attempt, Try


度看 Viewing angle, Standpoint, Perspective


看都沒看 Without looking


演看 Practice, Try out


遠看 Seen from afar

遠看像是 From a distance it looks like, From afar it looks like


快看 Quickly come and look

快看不見 Soon won't be able to see, Soon unable to see


全看 Depends on, Completely depends on, All depends

差別全看 The difference depends on, All depending on

差別全看你多肥 Depending on how fat you were

癒合後完全看不出什麼 Heal without a trace


小看 Underestimate

小看別人 Look down on others, Have a low opinion of others

不要小看別人 Don't look down on others


光看 Just look, Just to look at

對著光看 Looked at under the light, Looked at while facing the light

用另一種眼光看 Look at from another perspective or point of view

光看就很不舒服的 Uncomfortable to look at, Disturbing to look at

光看就很不舒服的穿刺工具 Penetrative tooling that is uncomfortable to look at, Penetrative tooling that is disturbing to look at, Tool that looks disturbingly penetrating, Tools that look disturbingly penetrating


觀看 Watch, Observe, Look at

即使沒人在旁邊觀看 Even if there was no one there to see

觀看很難受 Difficult to watch, Uncomfortable to watch

在一旁觀看很難受 Difficult to watch, Uncomfortable to watch

從螢幕觀看一切 Watched it all from a screen


難看 Ugly, Bad, Unpleasant to look at

難看 Difficult to look at, Ugly, Look angry, Looks angry, Looking very put off, Looked very angry

剪的難看頭髮 Badly cut hair, Bad haircut

髮廊剪的難看頭髮 Bad barbershop haircut


一看 Take a look

仔細一看 Taking a closer look

回頭一看 Turned to look

我回頭一看 I turned to look

上下左右看一看 Looks around, Takes a look around


頭看 Looking up at

頭看 Turn to, Turns to, Turned to

往下頭看 Look down

不敢往下頭看 Did not want to look down, Did not dare to look down


下看 Look down

他不想往下看 He did not want to look down

她不想往下看 She did not want to look down


東看西看 Look around, Looks around, Looked around


耍看 Try it out, Give it a whirl


上看 Look up


去看 Go and see, Go to see

跑回去看 Hurried back to check

去看 Go to visit

我們去看 Let's go and see

出門去看朋友 Went out to see friends, Went out to go and see friends

轉過去看著他 Turn to him, Turns to him, Turned to him


查看 Investigate, Check out, Look, Look things over, Looked, See

不用查看 Without bother to check, Without needing to check

便仔細地查看 Looked more closely, Took a closer look


來看 Ran over to see

角度來看 Point of view, Perspective

時常有人停下來看 People stop to look all the time


想看 Want to see, Wish to see

想看 Imagine, Visualize, See if you will

想看 Want to see the most

想看不想看 Whether you wanted to see or not

想看 To check, To see, To try out

想看 Didn't want to see

我只是想看 I just want to see, I just wanted to see

我不想看到你 I don't want to see you, I don't like seeing you

我不想看到妳 I don't want to see you, I don't like seeing you


另眼相看 See From A Different Perspective And So Treat Differently Than Usual


在看 Watching

在看 She was watching

都好像在看 All seemed to be looking at him


摸看 Touch, Feel

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