Index for words including 衫


Shirt, Coat, Gown

Word Links for words containing 衫 (sorted via character pairs)

衫 shan¯
Shirt, Coat, Gown

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


毛衫 Wool shirt


汗衫 Undershirt, Singlet, Vest


襯衫 Shirt

襯衫 Wash shirts

牛仔襯衫 Denim Shirt

你忘了穿襯衫 You forgot to put on a shirt, You forgot your shirt

件乾淨筆挺的白襯衫 A clean, white ironed shirt, A clean crisp white shirt

我找不到乾淨的襯衫 I can't find a clean shirt

襯衫拿下來 Take the shirt down, Takes the shirt down, Took the shirt down

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