Index for words including 解

jieˇ, jieˋ, xieˋ

Solve, Resolve, Explain, Clarify, Define, Divide, Understand, Dissect, Dismember, Unfasten, Loosen Up, Untie, Discharge, Defecate, Break Up, (Jie4), Escort, Transfer, Transfer under guard, Transfer a prisoner under guard, Deliver, (xie4), Chinese family name

Word Links for words containing 解 (sorted via character pairs)

解 jieˇ, jieˋ, xieˋ
Solve, Resolve, Explain, Clarify, Define, Divide, Understand, Dissect, Dismember, Unfasten, Loosen Up, Untie, Discharge, Defecate, Break Up, (Jie4), Escort, Transfer, Transfer under guard, Transfer a prisoner under guard, Deliver, (xie4), Chinese family name

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


解嘲 Offer an explanation as an attempt to save face, Console oneself

聊以解嘲 Somehow console oneself


解圍 Rescue


解開 Solve, Untie, Unbind, Untangle, Loosen, Undo

已經解開 Already untied

解開安全帶 Unfasten seat belt


解脫 Liberate, Become free from worldly worries


解體 Disintegrate, Fall apart

爆炸解體 Explode and disintegrate, Blow up, Blow apart

分子解體 Molecular disassembly line


解除 Relieve, Release, Remove restrictions, Annul, Cancel, Fire from a job, Relieve from a post, Renounce

解除 To save, To relieve, To lift, To spare

得以快樂地迅速解除 Happily resolved in no time

幾乎得以快樂地迅速解除 Happily resolved in practically no time


解出 Solved


解僱 Fired


解釋 Explanation, Explain, Explains, explaining, Explained, Interpretation, Interpret, Interprets, Interpreting, Interpreted

解釋 To explain

解釋 Didn't explain

歷史解釋 Historical explanation, Historical interpretation

無法解釋 Unexplained

要求解釋 Demand an explanation, Demanded an explanation

進行解釋 Be interpreted

開始解釋 Began to explain, Began explaining, Started explaining

我應該解釋 I should explain

更好說服自己的解釋 Better explanation

解釋 Explained

解釋 Explained (verbally)

無法解釋 Unexplained

解釋一下 Explain

解釋了狀況 Explained the situation

很難解釋的概念 A difficult concept to explain


解答 Answer to a question, Explanation

解答 Explain, Explanation, Answer, Give an answer


解救 Rescue


解放 Liberate, Untie, Emancipate, Free


解剖 Anatomy

活體解剖 Vivisect

解剖 Scalpel


解說 Explain, Narrate, Comment, Define

解說 Unexplained, Not yet explained

解說完畢 Completely explained, Finish explaining, Finishes explaining, Finishing explaining, Finished explaining


解讀 Interpret


解決 Solve (problem), Resolve, Settle (dispute), Dispatch or finish off (enemy troops)

解決 In order to solve, To deal with

想出辦法來解決 Come up with a solution

解決 Solved, Resolved, Settled, Answered, Finished, Finished off

解決了的話 If it is solved

解決這個問題 Solve this problem, Resolve this issue

解決糧食危機 In order to solve food crisis, To solve food shortage problem

在你和銀行解決問題的過程裡 While you and the bank resolve any difficulties

解決方法 Solution method, Solution

內建的解決方法 Built in solution

有個內建的解決方法 Had a solution built in, Had a built in solution


解送 Escort a prisoner, Escort, Transfer, Escorted


解苦 Resolve pain or suffering


解散 Dismiss, Dissolve, Disband


解憂 Alleviate sorrow

聊以解憂 A sliver of contentment, A little bit of comfort


解碼 Decrypted, Decoded, Unscrambled


解析 Resolution

解析 Low resolution

解析 High resolution


解構 Deconstruct, Deconstructing


瞭解 Understand, Ok, Got it

瞭解 Understood, Realized

瞭解的比較多 Understand more, Learn more


見解 View, Views

政治見解 Political views

影響他政治見解 Influence his political views

將會影響他政治見解 Would influence his political views

形成一個在未來將會影響他政治見解的看法 Form an idea or opinion that would in the future shape his political views


肢解 Dismember, Dismembered, Cut apart


紓解 Relieve, Release


緩解 Relieve


縷解 Explain in detail


費解 Difficult to understand, Elusive


了解 Understand, Understands, Understanding, Understood, Consider, Considers, Considering, Considered, Know, Knows, Knowing, Knew

了解 Did not understand

了解 To understand

了解 I understand

了解 It is understood that

對我了解 Understand me

為了了解 In order to understand, To figure out

不是很了解 Don't really understand, Doesn't really understand

對她的了解 Know about her

希望能了解 Wanting to understand, Hoping to understand

我終於了解 I finally understood

他曾自以為了解 He once thought he understood

他連自己說的話都不是很了解 He doesn't understand what he's saying

了解 You understand

他有多了解 How much did he know about her?, What did he know about her?

她有多了解 How much did she know about him?, What did she know about him?

一點兒也不了解 Doesn't know or understand me at all, Completely misunderstands me

我很了解他們 I know them well

了解所謂的農民心態 Understood the so-called peasant mentality

了解那句話是什麼意思 Understood the meaning of the phrase

我終於了解媽媽剛才為什麼說 I finally understood why mother a moment ago said


化解 Resolve, Resolved, Settle disputes

化解 Resolved


和解 Peacefully settle dispute

和解賠償金 Cash settlement

獲得一筆和解賠償金 Received a cash settlement


辯解 Explain, Defend, Justify, Explanation, Defense, Justification

奮力辯解 Strive to defend, Struggle to justify, Struggling to justify

辯解無益 No reason, No excuse


誤解 Misunderstand


調解 Adjust, Adjusting, Mediating


諒解 Understanding


講解 Explain

講解 Explained


溶解 Dissolved

溶解在水中 Dissolved in water


分解 Resolve, Break down, Decompile, Separate, Collapse, Decompose, Analyze

化學分解 Chemically remove, Chemically break down, Chemically absorb

因式分解 Factor, Factorization

可以被分解 Can be broken down, Could be broken down, Could be disassembled

二次式的因式分解 Quadratic factorization

平方公式因式分解 Perfect square factorization

分解 Decomposition

分解 Break down into, Completely changes, Completely decomposes, Completely changes into

可因式分解 Can be factored into

可以被分解重做 Could be broken down and remade

利用標準分解式求值 Evaluate using standard decomposition

雙氧水分解產生水和氧氣 Hyrdrogen peroxide decomposes to produce water and oxygen


一知半解 Only partially comprehend, A smattering of understanding, Partially understand


曲解 Misconstrue, Distort the truth


瓦解 Fall apart, Disintegrate, Collapse, Shatter, Crumble

自我瓦解 Self-destruct

將自我瓦解 Cause it to self-destruct, Cause it to disintegrate


融解 Melt, Thaw, Unfreeze

融解 Heat of fusion


不解 Puzzled, Uncomprehending, Didn't understand, Doesn't understand, Don't understand

不解 Unable to understand

全然不解 Completely puzzled, Completely unable to understand

迷惑不解 Bewildered

不解原因 Couldn't understand why

不解原因 He didn't understand why, He couldn't understand why

不解暗示 Did not get the hint, Did not get the insinuation, Missed the insinuation, Was puzzled by the hint

遠水不解近渴 Distant water won't quench impeding thirst


理解 Understand, Understands, Understanding, Understood

可以理解 Could understand

沒法理解 There's no way of understanding, There's no (way of) understanding

可以分別把三階段理解 The three phases can be understood as

你可以分別把三階段理解 You can think of these three phases as


破解 Decode, Decrypt, Crack, Break, Resolve

不可能破解 Could not be cracked, Could not be decrypted


拆解 Dismantle, Take apart, Took apart

拆解 Dismantled, Taken apart


排解 Resolve, Mediate, Filter out (remove)

疑難排解 Problem solving, Trouble shooting, Solve a problem, Trouble shoot

疑難排解指南 Trouble shooting guide

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